Saturday, August 31, 2019
Study Into Respiratory Infection Reduction Health And Social Care Essay
Summary OF THE STUDYThe chief purpose of the survey was to measure whether there was a decrease in the marks and symptoms of acute upper respiratory infection and alterations in behavioural responses of the kids who received steam inspiration compared to kids who did non have steam inspiration. The conceptual frame work of the survey was a nursing procedure theoretical account based on the Dorothy Johnson ‘s behaviour system theoretical account. The independent variable of the survey was steam inspiration therapy with Tulsi and the dependent variables were symptoms and behavioural responses of kids. The survey was conducted in a small town with the population of about 1913. The people in the community are of two groups based on caste Harijans and Grounders shacking on southern and northern portion of the community severally. A convenient sampling of 25 kids from each group was selected. Demographic information and information on grade of acute upper respiratory infection and behavioural responses were collected from both the groups utilizing an experimental checklist and structured interview agenda. For the experimental group steam inspiration with Tulsi was administered for 10 yearss prior to each disposal steam inspiration on every twenty-four hours and after disposal the grade of AURI utilizing experimental checklist and informations on behavioural responses was assessed daily by self study from the female parent during the period of 11 yearss. The control group continued to utilize the application of Vicks and milk with Piper nigrum and Curcuma longa. Data on grade of acute upper respiratory infection and behavioural responses was collected as for the experimental group. The informations were analyzed utilizing descriptive and illative statistics.SUMMARY OF FINDINGS:Demographic informationsIn experimental group, bulk of the samples 60 % were in the age group of 13 – 24 female parents and in control group 60 % of the samples were in the age group of 6 – 12 female parent, Majority of the samples in experimental group 52 % and 60 % in control group were females. 48 % of the samples in experimental group and 44 % of the samples in control group were male. All the samples 100 % in both the groups were immunized. In the experimental group 48 % of the samples and 44 % in control group had primary degree of instruction 32 % of the samples in experimental group and 36 % in control group had secondary degree of instruction 20 % of the samples in both the group were illiterate. Majority of the samples 64 % in experimental group and 52 % in control group had the income of Rs. 2001 – 3000 per month and 36 % of the samples in experimental group and 48 % of the samples in control group had the income of Rs. 3001- 4000 per month.Signs and symptoms of acute upper respiratory infectionThe marks observed were fluid nose, sneezing, lacrimation of eyes, pink and glistening mucous membrane of nose, presence of crusts on the olfactory organ, febrility, cough, ruddy and conceited pharynx. The acute upper respiratory infection was assessed in three degree – no infection, mild infection and moderate infection. Before intercession, 60 % of the samples had mild grade of infection in experimental group. In control group 84 % of the samples had mild grade of infection and 16 % of the samples had moderate grade of infection. In experimental group on 11th twenty-four hours after intercession all 100 % of the samples had no infection. In the control group 84 % of samples had mild degree infection and 12 % had moderate grade of infection on 11th twenty-four hours. The average mark of grade of infection in experimental group should hold a important decrease after the steam inspiration therapy on 11th twenty-four hours.Behavioral responses of experimental and control groupThe behavioural responses of kids with acute upper respiratory infection were assessed under 2 classs such as physical activity and societal activity in three degrees [ inactive, moderate, and extremely active ] . The behavioural responses assessed were calls of the kid, sleep, jobs in eating, respond to tickle, involvement to play with playthings, smiling, response of the kid when called by name running about, want to be carried by female parent ever, involvement in playing with other kids. Before intercession in the experimental group bulk 69 % of the samples was physically and socially in active, 40 % were samples reasonably active and in control group 50 % of the samples were physically and socially in active and 50 % of the samples were reasonably active. None of the samples in both the group were active. On 11th twenty-four hours in experimental group all the samples 100 % were extremely active and control group 66 % of the samples were in active and 34 % were reasonably active. In the experimental group the mean mark was 0.00 which was less compared to the control group. This shows the consequence of steam inspiration therapy that improves the behavioural responses of kids with acute upper respiratory infection.Significant Findingss:There was a important difference in average mark of grade of acute upper respiratory infection of experimental group ( t=21.88, P & A ; lt ; 0.05, df-48 ) compared to command group. Hence, the research hypothesis H1was accepted at 0.05 degree of significance. There was a important difference in the average behavioural responses score between the experimental and control group ( t=39.44, df-48, p & A ; lt ; 0.05 % ) . Hence, the research hypothesis H2 was accepted at 0.05 degree of significance. There was no important association between the demographic variables and grade of acute respiratory infection.DecisionThe grade of acute upper respiratory infection and behavioural responses is same for both the group before intercession. But, after intercession there was important decrease in experimental group for all mark and symptoms of acute upper respiratory infection where in control group there was no important decrease. There was a important betterment in the behavioural responses in experimental group after intercession and in control group there was no such betterment in the behavioural responses.DeductionNursing PracticeSteam inspiration therapy with Tulsi foliages had an consequence on grade of acute upper respiratory infection and behavioural responses in kids. Nurses as wellness professionals have the double duty of being wellness attention suppliers every bit good as wellness pedagogues. The determination of the survey indicate that all the heath squad members particularly the nurse who works in the community should be cognizant about the effectivity of steam inspiration therapy with Tulsi on acute upper respiratory infection and educate the people to utilize this low cost natural merchandise. Peoples belonging to all strata of society must be encouraged to utilize of Tulsi foliages by making consciousness about the help ability, low cost and efficiency of this natural merchandise to diminish the grade of acute upper respiratory infection.Nursing EducationThe findings of the survey stress the consequence of steam inspiration with Tulsi foliages on cut downing the grade of acute upper respiratory infection and the betterment in behavioural responses of kids. This information can be included in the nursing course of study in order to better the wellness position and forestall the complications of respiratory infection in the community.Nursing Administration:The consequ ence showed steam inspiration with Tulsi leaves diminish the grade of acute upper respiratory infection. The nurse as an decision maker should be after and form go oning nursing instruction programmes which are good to the people in the community planning and organisation of such programmes require efficient squad work, be aftering the work force, money, stuff and clip to carry on successful instruction and clip to carry on successful instruction programmes.Nursing ResearchThis is merely initial probe to measure the effectivity of steam inspiration with Tulsi on acute upper respiratory infection. There is a demand for intensive research in the country of nursing to render missive service non merely in the infirmary but besides in the community.RecommendationA similar survey can be replicated on a layer population covering an extended community. A survey can be conducted in other countries of Coimbatore metropolis. A similar survey can be conducted in infirmary scene for patient with acute upper respiratory infection. A comparative survey can be conducted between rural and urban scenes. A comparative survey can be conducted between male and female kids with acute upper respiratory infection.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Characteristics of Humanism Essay
Humanism is a term applied to the social philosophy and literary culture of the Western world during the Renaissance movements that spread across Europe. Washington State University, WSU, quoted on the internet: â€Å"Of all the practices of Renaissance Europe, nothing is used to distinguish the Renaissance from the Middle Ages more than humanism as both a program and a philosophy†. The Renaissance in Europe began in Italy, and with it the origin of humanism. The movement began as a response to the troubling times Italy had been facing in the years prior to the beginning of humanism. During the Fourteenth century, Italy had become overpopulated, which resulted in famine and the Black Death. A deterioration for trading with China was another issue that we had to take in account.. Humanism was the intellectual movement responding to this crisis. They began to look at things that had been ignored in the Italian society, and brought ideas to the public eye that revolutionized philosophy and literature. Ancient Renaissance Philosophers say that â€Å"Renaissance humanism was considered a ‘rediscovery’ of the ancient classical learning of Greece and Rome.†The Renaissance is characterized by its emphasis on humanism, an emphasis that would have a tremendous impact upon the subsequent history of Western civilization. Humanist studies placed us into a different world and changed the face of our lifestyle. Influential factors for Humanism were literature, art as well as music. It embraced concepts such as the supernatural as a created psychological human myth. People that where influential to the Humanism period, constructed this framework by coupling science with human reason to create an appropriate method for creating an interpretation of ultimate reality. Humanists generally denied the existence of anything outside of nature. They rejected many supernatural beliefs; however, disbelief in the supernatural is not a necessity for humanistic beliefs (Cunningham 287). Humanists believed science is based on nature, and humans learn from it. I will go into detail of the nature and beauty of Renaissance art that emphasizes on Humanism art within the work.. â€Å"The School of Athens ( 5.77 m * 8.14 m ) was painted by the 27 year old Raphael (Raffaelo) Sanzio (or Santi) for Pope Julius II (1503-1513)†(Michael Lahanas). We do not know all details of the people who are depicted. Giorgio Vasari, who is an Italian painter and architect, suggested that nearly all Greek philosophers and ancient scientists can be found on this painting. Beyond one of the most important people on this painting is Plato, Aristotle and Michelangelo. The painting frames in the most important part by setting up the focal point in the middle of the painting. â€Å"Raphael’s School of Athens reflects a high degree of sensitivity to ordered space, a complete ease with Classical thought, obvious inspiration from the Roman architectural past, a brilliant sense of color and form, and a love for intellectual clarity-characteristics that could sum up the Renaissance ideal†(Cunningham 299). It does not only show characteristics of the Renaissance, but also characteristics of Humanism, for example it’s artistic creation on the walls, as well as the well planned building. Another thing that is associated with humanism is the social behavior of the people. The Night figure was created by Michelangelo and it suppose to create the illusion of the figure either sleeping or being awake at the same point of time. Almost all of the female’s bodies that Michelangelo creates, have a masculine body structure as well as fake looking breasts. These two analytical founding are another proof of Humanism. The Article about the best Artists said: â€Å"He goes farther away from nature in these Medici figures than in any of his others and requires greater acquiescence from his viewers. Many are not willing to let him lift them so high off the ground. ‘She may be beautiful but she’s not a woman.’ †People guessed that Michelangelo was gay, but it was never proofen as a fact. The last artwork that I am going to describe is The Last Supper by Tintoretto. The Author of auction and sold mentioned that: â€Å"All the outstanding qualities of Tintoretto appear in this strikingly original and complex design. It is characteristic in using intensified streaks of light along limbs and garment-folds, to emphasize the direction of movement, and thus heighten the effect of dramatic action.†In this painting you can see many characteristics of humanism that are shown by the people socializing, enjoying themselves and having seemingly unlimited amounts of food. In the bottom right of the painting, you have people who prepare the food and wash the dishes. This is another characteristic for humanism. We can also see angel like figures in the picture, that move towards the human that has the bright light around his head. This person should represent Jesus, and I believe that those angel or ghost looking creatures are the souls of his friends. Our society is still influenced in the artists, and architects from the Renaissance time period. Humanistic ideas have proved to be of great educational value in the formation of civilized and responsible societies, and they are still alive in many intellectual beliefs today. Work Cited Cunningham, Lawrence S. Culture & Values. 7th ed. Vol. 2. Boston: Wadsworth, 06. â€Å"Humanism.†Washington State University – Pullman, Washington. 04 July 2009 . â€Å"Night by Michelangelo  «.†The Best Artists. 03 July 2009 . â€Å"Raphael’s School of Athens (1/2).†Hellenica, Information about Greece and Cyprus, Michael Lahanas. 06 July 2009 . â€Å"Tintoretto – The Last Supper.†Old And Sold Antiques Auction. 07 July 2009 .
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Florence Nightingale Environment Theory Essay
Major concepts essential to the Theory. Patient care theory, environmentally oriented, where the patient environment should be altered to allow nature to act on the patient. (Alligood, 2010). Nurses are to use common sense, observation and initiative to allow nature to heal the patient. The use of Nightingales thirteen canons: Ventilation, Warmth Light Cleanliness of rooms Health of houses Noise Bed and bedding Variety Chattering of hopes and advice Food Personal cleanliness Observation Approaches, to patient care. Nightingale believed nursing is a spiritual calling, and all nurses can help the patients in spiritual distress, making it a holistic approach. The philosophy of the environmental theory of nursing fits well with todays nursing process. The nurses need to assess, identify, implement, evaluate and make changes to the plan to fit the patient individually until the patient has the desired health level. Teaching by the nurses when caring for the sick as well as the patient that has already healed. Observation of the patient and independent judgments made by the nurses. Examples of each approach to patient care. Daily changing of patients linens, as well as maintaining them wrinkle free for skin integrity of the patient. Assisting patients on the daily personal cleanliness, as well as applying moisture to the skin for protection. Maintaining noise to the minimum and allowing patients to have rest time. Keeping the conversations focused on the patient, avoid personal talk or chattering, giving false hopes. Observing and Documenting intake and output by shift to have a clear view of the nutritional level of the patient. Encourage healthy eating as well as drinking and maintain fluids by patient side at all times. Reference Martha Riley, Alligood, (2010). †. In: (ed), Nursing Theory. 4th ed. : Mosby. pp.97-109.
The 1992 European Exchange Rate Mechanism Crisis Case Study
The 1992 European Exchange Rate Mechanism Crisis - Case Study Example had exited the European exchange rate mechanism and that interest rates would remain unchanged at 12%, Italy was also affected by the crises on that same day and exited from the European exchange rate mechanism although it rejoined the union some years later.3 The UK crises can be linked to the failure of the regime to establish a crisis prevention and management mechanism within the union, if there existed a crisis management mechanism within the union it would have prevented the occurrence of the financial loss by the UK. In the ERM the currencies were floated and the exchange rate was determined by the market, the market forces dictate that if a currency is highly demanded then the currency will revalue and on the other hand if a currency is less demanded the currency will devalue. The crises in the UK can be linked to this market forces that determine the exchange rate of a currency, the government strategy at the time was to create demand for the pound by raising interest rates but this turned fruitless because speculators and investment banks were already aware of the strategy behind such a decision, speculators and investment banks therefore sold the pound to hold other currencies and this led to crisis in the UK which saw the devaluation of the pound. An expansionary monetary policy by a member of the European exchange rate would result into low interest rates among the other member countries, this would lead to the appreciation of all the other currencies, therefore there was a need to coordinate the policies among the member countries of the European exchange rate mechanism, the optimal coordination response to an aggregate demand shock by a member country was a set of small devaluations by the other countries, however this was not the case in this regime... The researcher of this case study concludes that the 1992 crises in the UK was as result of increased conflicts and lack of commitment among members of the European exchange rate mechanism. This led to frequent speculative attacks where the speculators and investment banks were aware of the strategies of individual central banks that led to great financial losses. The European exchange rate mechanism was initially formed to stimulate trade and investment among member countries of the union; it was also to be used as a tool that would help maintain a stable exchange rate among the currencies of member countries where countries were allowed a 2.25% fluctuation margin. However, interest rates and government policies were determined through market forces and were no longer influenced by external forces, this has led to a stable economy in the UK. In 1999 the European exchange rate mechanism was replaced by European exchange rate mechanism 2, the new mechanism seem to be better than the o riginal mechanism in that in this system currencies were allowed to float under a margin of 15% against the euro, this system is also better than the original because in that it uses the euro as the central unit of determining exchange rates. The European exchange regime would have been beneficial to member countries only that there was an increase in the level of conflict and decrease in coordination of policies, the regime led to great losses but was also beneficial in that it stimulated trade and investment among the member countries.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
What do you believe to be the main force driving change in the Essay
What do you believe to be the main force driving change in the International Business Environment - Essay Example The traditional ways of transacting businesses are becoming obsolete due rapid changes and inventions. Cultural, political, environmental, and economical forces characterize globalization and have great impact in the international business environment. Introduction Globalization is the process by which people all over the globe are interconnected into one village such that an occurrence in one part of the world will have a direct impact on the other part. Major changes in international business environment and business operations are because of globalization of business. Today, several significant transformations can be observed in the international business environment and most of these transformations are occurring spontaneously. The changes are unpredictable and inevitable such that one transformation is leading to emergence of more numerous changes. Similar to industrial revolution that completely transformed business environment in Europe, these transformations are necessary in both their outcome and magnitude. The main transformation includes increased competition, rapid changes, and increased use of computers and adoption of sophisticated information technology and networks. Investors or rather employers need to learn the new principles of success, and keep reinventing the objectives of the business (Batra and Dangwal, 2005, p.88). People from different states have developed similar tastes and preferences leading to homogeneity of needs. Globalization encompasses numerous processes by which, institutions, money, people, goods, and services are able to cross territorial or domestic boundaries freely Globalization as a process is a result of sociocultural, political, economic, and technological forces. Globalization is mostly used to mean economic globalization, which is the connectedness of world economies into international economy though exchange of goods, capital investment, migration, and increased use of technology (Brooks and Weatherston et al., 201 1, p.165). The continuing increase in globalization raises the need to understand the different cultures of the world more so corporates and communities cultures. There is an increased transfer of workforce or experts from one country to another, in effort to assist establish new locations of the company or boost existing ones in order to achieve their objectives (KPMG International, 2013, p. 2). Mere knowledge of communication skills is not enough but also the understanding of cultural influences, varied communication designs and social settings of every society do drive the success of globalization. The real standing of globalization can be understood by focusing on three main changes. The first major change is the one witnessed in the job markets. The increased demand of employees with multilingual knowledge has led to people moving from state to another for employment or travelling internationally for the purpose of business transactions (Gelbart, 2012, p. 1). Also of important is the emergence of e-commerce, which have a major impact on competition and growth of market as the original location of firm is not an issue anymore. Increased in cross boarders travels has in turn led to wide spread of traditional cultures and practices all over the world. People’s cultures all over the world seem to rhyme and everybody seems to be adapting to global behaviors, especially in trade industry. Focusing on our social environment
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Single slit diffraction & double slit interference Lab Report
Single slit diffraction & double slit interference - Lab Report Example Hence, diffraction patterns usually have a series of maxima and minima. The slit must satisfy two conditions in order the diffraction occur: first, the slit should has dimensions of infinitely length to width and second, the width of the slit is on the order of the wavelength of light being used. The wavefront from a light source will form secondary waves. The one located at the top edge of the slit interferes destructively with other secondary wave located at the middle of the slit, when the path difference between them is equal to '/2. Similarly, the secondary wave just below the top of the slit will interfere destructively with the secondary wave located just below the middle of the slit. Thus we can conclude that the condition for destructive interference for the entire slit is the same as the condition for destructive interference between double slits with distance equal to half the width of the slit. The path difference is given by: When monochromatic light illuminates a double slit aperture having dimensions of the order of the wavelength of light, diffraction of light occurs if the slits width much narrower than there lengths. The incident wavefront will divided into two point sources of light which can interfere with each other to produce an interference pattern 1. Constructive Interference - When the path difference between the two beams in an integral multiplication of the wavelength. The result is brighter illumination in these regions when a crest of a wave meets a crest from another wave 2. Destructive Interference - When the path difference between the two beams in an odd multiplication of half a wavelength. The result is dark bands in these regions when a crest of a wave meets a trough from another wave Constructive interference occurs when: (3.5) Where: ' is the wavelength of the light, d is the separation of the slits, the distance between (b) and (c) in (Fig.3.1) n is the order of maximum observed (central maximum is n = 0), x is the fringe distance, the distance between the bands of light and the central maximum. L is the distance from the slits to the screen. This is only an approximation and depends on certain conditions. It is possible to work out the wavelength of the used light using this equation and the above apparatus. If (d) and (L) are known and (x) is observed, then ' can be easily calculated. Objectives: Examine the diffraction pattern formed by laser light passing through single and double slits. Verify that the positions of the minima in the diffraction pattern match the positions predicted by the theory To compare
Monday, August 26, 2019
Assignment 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Assignment 1 - Essay Example The SECI provides a theoretical guide to knowledge generation and conversion as well as suggests that the processes take place simultaneously within an organization. In contrast, the CVF emphasizes the importance of coping with complex and competing demands. The integration of both models may assist organizational members to appreciate the complexity of knowledge management systems where multiple functions are undertaken simultaneously†( Densten and Gray). â€Å"The result of this study is the development of an integrated model, â€Å"The Organizational Knowledge Management Model†which if put into operation, should become a basis for managerial leadership development. In conclusion, by proposing the integration of organizational culture and knowledge management theory, this would stimulate development of theory and encourage further empirical research into these vital aspects of organizational behavior†(Densten and Gray). Densten, IL and Gray, JH (2005)à ‚ Towards an integrative model of organizational culture and knowledge management.International Journal of Organisational Behaviour, 9 (2). pp. 594-603. [PDF File] ISSN 1440-5377 Accessed: [PDF FILE] CROSS-CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN THE KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS OF 20-21st CENTURIES WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF INTERNATIONAL DIALOGUE FOR CREATION OF A NEW MODEL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT By Tatiana Khvatova, Irina Ignatieva A SUMMARY The study focuses on the dimensions of Knowledge Management. Knowledge Management (KM) is one of the emerging multi- and interdisciplinary fields of science found to have study gaps that need further pursuit of research undertakings. â€Å"Tatiana Khvatova and Tatiana Ignatieva are few of those who attempted â€Å"to create a new model of Knowledge Management within the perspective of Cross-Cultural Diversity in the Knowledge Man agement Concepts of 20-21st Centuries within the Framework of International Dialogue†(Khvatova and Ignatieva). The target respondents are the practitioners in the said field and members of organizations. The methodology was not indicated although results of their study â€Å"presented tabulated cross-cultural similarities and differences on selected nationalities between American, Japanese, European, Chinese and Russian. KM approaches were presented with distinctive features such as: mission, mentality, ideal type and embodiment of knowledge, mechanism, objective, strategy, process, means and metaphor of KM†(Khvatova and Ignatieva). The study envisions that the â€Å"interconnections presented between all these approaches will provide better understanding on the versatility of KM science development. In addition, the study was purposely undertaken to help Russia create its own KM model
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Effect of Long-term Deposition of Phosphate and Nitrogen on Lab Report
Effect of Long-term Deposition of Phosphate and Nitrogen on Pphosphatase Activity in Moss - Lab Report Example These plants are very important in the ecosystem as they create a significant buffer system for other plants around them (Speck 1941). Plants from this family can also be a distinct indicator of the quality of the environment surrounding them, as most of them can be sensitive to the moisture present in the atmosphere (Small 1933). Mosses and liverworts contain several secondary metabolites being investigated for various agricultural, phytochemical, and pharmacological products. This experiment was aimed at comparing phosphatase enzyme rate in moss species Hypnumjutlandicum, having received prior treatment of nitrogen and phosphate. Two different hypotheses were tested on two different variables, the nitrogen, and the phosphate. The first hypothesis was that phosphate will increase the rate of the phosphatase activity and the second was that nitrogen would decrease the rate of the phosphatase activity. The test tubes containing different moss sample nutrient treatment were labeled to avoid contamination of the solutions. About 2 cm of each moss sample was placed in each of the labeled test tubes followed by 2.5 ml of deionized water and the contents of the test tubes mixed. A total of 2.5 ml of 10 mm nitrophenyl phosphate (NPP) was then added to the mixture and the stopwatch started to record time. The mixtures were left to stand for thirty minutes at room temperature to ensure that the enzyme substrate does not denature since enzymes have a working optimum temperature beyond which they denature. The test tubes were shaken at an interval of five minutes. A solution of 5 ml of 0.2M NaOH was placed in each of the six labeled test tubes. A pipette was used to draw 0.5 ml of the NPP/moss/ water assay solution into each of the test tubes containing 5 ml of NaOH the test tubes were then shaken for the mixture to combine. A shade of yellow was used as an indicator of a complete reaction.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
ARABIC CULTURE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
ARABIC CULTURE - Essay Example The Semitic people are said to have originated from the Arab peninsula, gaining the bulk of the people of Mesopotamia from the Jazirat al-Arab or the island of the Arabs which is the place between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf (Goodspeed, p. 54). The Hadramawt forms in the southern border reaching northward to the east of the Dead Sea (Craig, p. 13). The non-Arab Semitic settlers were Arameans, Akkadians, Amorites, Israelites, Eblaites, and Canaanites; and they established their communities in Mesopotamia and the Levant. These people gradually came to intermix and intermarry with each other (Hammer,, p. 6769). They gradually lost their domination of the near east due to internal issues. The first time that the label â€Å"Arab†came into being was in an Assyrian inscription of 853 BCE where King Gindibu was defeated in the Battle of Karkar. At this time accounts of these defeated groups include Assyrian texts which later translated to â€Å"Arab†. These people were considered desert-dwelling Semitic groups (History World, p. 3). War would later break out between the Assyrians and the Arabs during Ashurbanipal’s time. The medieval genealogists divided the Arab people into three groups: first are the ancient Arabs who vanished; second are the pure Arabs of South Arabia; and last are the Arabized Arabs from North Arabia who were considered descendants of Ishmael, son of Abraham (Nydell, p. 53). There are various terms used to define the Arabs, and some of them define Muslims to be nomadic Arabs, formerly nomadic Arabs (Egyptians and Yemenis), and the Saracens as defined by the Christians (Goodspeed, p. 56). The Qur’an does not have the term Arab, instead it uses the term ‘arabiy,’. After the 8th century Islamic conquest, Arabic language was defined as the pure and uncontaminated language of the
Friday, August 23, 2019
Organisational Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 8
Organisational Behaviour - Essay Example Human relations approach resulted in greater production through humanization of an organization because it strove for greater understanding of people’s social needs. Classical approaching in understanding organizations considers an organization in terms of its function as well as the formal structure. The classical approach believes organizations emphasis on planning work, technical requirements for the organization and the assumption of rational as well as logical behaviour. The approach believes that a clear understanding of the functions of an organization is essential in understanding the way the organization works as well as the steps necessary in improving the method of working. Moreover, the classical approach considers the identification of goals as essential in clarifying purposes together with responsibilities in the various levels of an organization. The approach gives attention to the allotment of work, apparent definition of tasks and maintaining specialization an d coordination. Recently, attention shifted to understanding of organizations in terms of systems where a number of interrelated subsystems are linked. The systems approach tries to combine the classical and human relations approaches since attention in this approach focuses on the work organizations as well as the interrelations of structures and behaviour as well as the various variables in the organization. The system approaches persuades managers to consider an organization both as a whole and as portions of a larger environment with the notion that activities in any part of the organization influence other parts. Classical theory emphasized the need for improving the organizational structure as a way of increasing efficiency by emphasizing principles of design in the logical structure of an organization. According to Donaldson (2000), there are various common principles that relate to every form of organization with particular attention in principle of
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Meaning of Lives Essay Example for Free
The Meaning of Lives Essay In her article The Meaning of Lives, Susan Wolf, a moral philosopher and philosopher of action, investigates whether meaning can exist in lives without postulating the existance of God. Wolf establishes her position on this philosophical question from an agnostic perspective and rationally argues that such a question can in fact â€Å"fit within a negative or agnostic view about the meaning of life†(Wolf 63). With this paper, I will first summarize the prominent points of Wolf’s article then highlight and expound upon areas of her argument that contradict her line of reason. Lastly, I will introduce the theistic perspective on meaningful lives along with presenting Wolf’s reason and argument as supporting evidence for the theistic view. In the Meaning of Lives, Susan Wolf opens briefly with an evaluation of the philosophically ambiguous question, â€Å"What is the meaning of life? †She argues this particular question is impossible to rationalize because it dependents upon a postulation for the existence of God. Wolf claims it is necessary to postulate the existence of God in order to argue this original question because if God does exist, then He â€Å"may have created us for a reason, with a plan in mind†(Wolf 63). Thus, if God exists then there would be purpose and meaning to human existence dependent upon the creator God. Wolf does not deny the existence of God; she simply suggests that a divine existence is improvable. Therefore the question of a grand purpose and meaning in life is an unnecessary and an improvable argument to find an answer to, due to the improvable nature of God. However, she does believe that meaning in lives is not contingent upon the existence of God stating, â€Å"Meaningfulness is an intelligible feature to be sought in life†and that â€Å"a positive view about the possibility of meaning in lives can fit with a negative or agnostic view about the meaning of life†(Wolf 63). She expounds on this argument in three distinct sections. The first part of Wolf’s argument observes three different examples of meaningless lifestyle. Wolf articulates that learning from three paradigms of meaningless lives, one can construct an understanding for meaningfulness. She begins with a lifestyle she labeled the Blob. The Blob is defined by a lifestyle that â€Å"is lived in hazy passivity†¦ unconnected to anyone or anything, going nowhere, achieving nothing†(Wolf 64). Wolf deduces from the Blobs meaningless lifestyle, that in order to attain a meaningful life one must be engaged in a project, which can include relationships. The second meaningless lifestyle, in contrast to the Blob’s lifestyle of passivity, is regarded as the Useless life; â€Å"a life whose dominant activities seem pointless, useless or empty†(Wolf 65). After reviewing the lifestyle of the Useless life, a life void of worth, to achieve meaning â€Å"one must be engaged in a project or projects that have some positive value†(Wolf 65). The final category of a meaningless life would be the lifestyle of the Bankrupt, â€Å"someone who is engaged or even dedicated, to a project that is ultimately revealed as bankrupt, not because the person’s values are shallow or misguided, but because the project fails†(Wolf 65). Ultimately, Wolf concludes that in order to achieve meaningfulness one must not only be engaged in a project of positive value but that project must be in some way successful. After providing a working definition for a meaningful life, Wolf raises the question as to what constitutes â€Å"positive value†and who has the right to objectively determine value. Similarly to Wolf’s construction of meaningfulness, she argues reasons for why an individual is incapable of objectively determining positive value. This incapability for determining objective value is due to the individual’s subjectivity and â€Å"interest in living a life that feels or seems meaningful†(Wolf 66). Therefore, because an individual is incapable of distinguishing objective positive value from interest, it is unlikely that the individual can distinguish what is required for a meaningful life. She argues that objective value is determined and achieved through observing value in other people’s lives. Wolf clarifies that the objective good she is referring to is not compared to moral goodness, â€Å"benefiting or honoring humanity†(Wolf 67). Wolf claims that meaningfulness is not contingent upon moral value. Instead, Wolf suggests that while there are examples of lives exhibiting great moral value, such as Mother Teresa and Gandhi, that are full of meaning; there are also examples of other lives, such as â€Å"artists, scholars, musicians and athletes†, that possess great meaning, not based upon their moral value. These lives are considered valuable and meaningful due to their ability to â€Å"develop our skills and our understanding of the world†which â€Å"give meaning to our lives- but they do not give moral value to them †(Wolf 67). A greater understanding of our own worth and the Universe is what Wolf constitutes for lives to have meaning. The final stage in Wolf’s argument poses the question â€Å"what is the good, after all, of living a meaningful life†(Wolf 67)? Wolf does not wish to define goodness, but rather discusses the advantages for living a life full of meaning. Wolf makes the final stand, that in order to grasp meaningfulness and understand how one can achieve it in their life; an individual must become enlightened to their status in the world as â€Å"a tiny speck in a vast universe†(Wolf 69). This description of where an individual lies in relation to the vastness of the Universe, provides the reality that meaning in lives cannot logically be contingent upon the desires and benefits for the individual, due to humanities insignificance. It seems illogical to Wolf, that a person who seeks to find meaning in their life could conclude that is dependent upon their independent happiness claiming, â€Å"to devote oneself wholly to one’s own satisfaction seems to me to fly in the face of truth, to act as if one is the only thing that matters, or perhaps, more, that one’s own psychology is the only source of (determining) what matters†(Wolf 70). The truth, to which Wolf refers, is the reality that individuals have very little significance in relation to the value of the vast Universe. It is because of this truth that a self-center and egocentric life goes against of logic after such a truth is realized. Wolf argues that instead of egocentric priorities to achieve meaning, an individual should alternatively be focused on the needs of the Universe and others. She understands that â€Å"you are just one person among others, equally real- is the source of practical reason-in this case, it gives you reason to take the pains of others to constitute reasons for action†¦reason to care about the pain of others that is grounded, not in our own psychologies, but a fact about the world†(Wolf 70). In this section, I will address three areas of Wolf’s reasoning I find to be inconsistent with her argument as a whole. A concern that I have regarding Wolf’s argument is her use of the word â€Å"meaning†, in regards to the meaning of lives. A very different connotation of the word â€Å"meaning†suggested by the philosophical question, â€Å"What is the meaning of life? †Wolf states that the question, â€Å"What is the meaning of life? †requires an individual to postulate the existence of God because it implies their ultimate aim â€Å"to find a purpose or a point to human existence†(Wolf 63). However, Wolf also argues, â€Å"whether or not God exists, the fact remains that some objects, activities and ideas are better than others. Whether or not God exists some ways of living are more worthwhile than others†(Wolf 72). At the beginning of Wolf’s argument about the meaning of lives, suggests that she neither denies nor rejects the existence of God. She argues this as true because she believes the question behind the meaning in lives can be answered as â€Å"an intelligible feature to be sought in life and that it is at least sometimes attainable but not everywhere assured†(Wolf 63). Wolf reduces the meaning of lives to that which can be determined by human reasoning a finite measurement of this transitory world. Thus Wolf, who has neither denied nor rejected the existence of God has unreasonably eliminated the question of origin of lives, as irrelevant to meaning in lives. She focuses how certain types of lives merit significance in existence and consequently refers to the word â€Å"meaning†as synonymous with value. Finally, Wolf argues that there is value in human lives that â€Å"can fit with a negative or agnostic view about the meaning of life†(Wolf 66). This statement is far less controversial than her attempts to argue that meaning in lives is achievable without the postulation of God. Logically, to explore meaning in lives, one must consider the beginning of life, which must have been constructed either by accident or by a creator. Meaning cannot be cited as more or less significant at a particular point in an individual’s life. Thus, the point that one comes into existence must be regarded for defining meaning within an individual’s life. The second problem in Wolf’s argument comes in her evaluation of what is considered a project of positive value. An individual who is engaged in a project of positive value is central to Wolf’s definition of a meaningful life. Although, projects of positive value can add to meaning in an individual’s life, Wolf’s reasoning as to â€Å"who is to decide which projects have positive value†is vague and inconsistent with her earlier positions (Wolf 66). Wolf concludes that individuals are incapable of objectively deciding what has positive value, due to subjective interests, which skew their understanding of objective value. Wolf deduces that in order for an individual to understand projects of positive value, which will eventually adds meaning to heir lives, they must experience an â€Å"epiphany†¦ to the recognition that our life to date has been meaningless†(Wolf 66). This comment is completely inconsistent with Wolf’s fundamental goal to acquire an understanding of meaning in lives from an intelligible process of reason. The understanding for projects of positive value through an epiphany is inconsistent with her pervious arguments because it depends she suggests that understanding meaning comes from an unintelligible source of knowledge. Who is to say that that epiphany is not guided by a supreme higher being? The irony of Wolf’s conclusion about the necessary epiphany, is that her statement â€Å"It is the sort of experience that one might describe in terms of scales falling from ones eyes†, compares closely to the allusion found in Acts 9:18 (Wolf 66). The verse reads â€Å"And immediately something like scales fell from his eyes, and he regained his sight. Then he rose and was baptized†(NIV 1000). The language of scales falling from the eyes in order to gain true understanding is regarded in both versions as an act depended upon a supernatural entity enabling the change. This very interesting comment by Wolf, suggests that understanding how an individual recognizes truth through epiphany is beyond the capabilities of human control and intellect. Her attempted arguments about how a meaningful life is realized are sound up until the point about epiphany. Lastly, Wolf’s argument for meaning in lives lacks any discussion of immortality as a necessary property for meaning. Wolf reasons that there are certain lifestyles that are more meaningful than others. This argument for certain lifestyle having greater meaning has limited relevance because as she rationalizes, lives are finite and temporary as are the lives of others whom we must focus in our acknowledgement of the truth that we are just a â€Å"speck in the vast Universe†(Wolf 69). Wolf does a fine job at articulating the insignificance and temporary state of human life. However, she fails to recognize that in her attempts to construct a logical framework for meaning in finite lives she disregards the possibility for immortality to give further meaning to lives. Thus, she reduces the idea of meaning as an avoidance of an egocentric lifestyle and recognizes insignificance and meaning within an individuals’ life alone. Wolf’s claim that meaning is attainable through certain actions only satisfies temporary lives for a finite amount of time. This argument surrounding meaning as dependent upon an inward realization of insignificance manifesting into outward actions, is simply a cycle of meaningless people helping other meaningless people, and causes only a temporary impact. In an argument for the importance of immortality to meaning in lives, Gianluca Di Muzio states, â€Å"If a human being dies and her actions have no lasting effect, because the world itself perished, then her life was meaningless. If, in the end, all comes to nothing, then it does not matter in the first place whether a particular person existed or not†(Di Muzio 2). In order for actions and lives to be meaningful, they must have a lasting impact or something to gain, and provide for others in a way that is not reducible to the finite and temporary world. Thus, achievable immortality must exist for meaning to be possible. Although she attempts to determine the meaning in lives for an agnostic world, I would argue that Wolf’s argument actually supports many theistic views regarding the meaning of lives. Though many of Wolf’s arguments do not adequately provide understanding for meaning in lives from an agnostic perspective, many of her points parallel to the theistic view of â€Å"purpose theory. †Before I expound on these similarities, an understanding of the theistic view regarding the meaning of must be addressed. According to Borchert, the theistic view argues that, â€Å"life is meaningful insofar as one fulfills a purpose that God has assigned†(Borchert 295). In â€Å"Confession†, Leo Tolstoy discusses meaning in life from the theistic perspective and claims â€Å"now I see clearly that my faith-my only real faith-that which apart from my animal instincts gave impulse to my life- was a belief in perfecting myself†(Klemke 2). Tolstoy sought such perfection in artistic achievements and loving his family. In trying to find meaning in family and people, Tolstoy ultimately realizes that â€Å"My family  wife and children  are also human. They are placed just as I am: they must either live in a lie or see the terrible truth†(Klemke 10). In other words, Tolstoy realizes that if meaning resides in the finite and temporary nature of humanity, meaning too will die along with the life. Tolstoy further suggests that meaning cannot reside within artistic modes when he writes Art, poetry? Under the influence of success and the praise of men, I had long assured myself that this was a thing one could do though death was drawing near  death which destroys all things, including my work and its remembrance; but soon I saw that that too was a fraud†(Klemke 10). This declaration further supports Tolstoy’s theistic belief that everything of and in this world cannot be the ultimate source of meaning in lives. Although, the substance of this world may increase value within life, it cannot supply ultimate, enduring meaning. Tolstoy finally declares, â€Å"To know God and to live is one and the same thing. God is life- Live seeking God, and then you will not live without God†(Klemke 11). This passage concludes with his theistic assertion that without a â€Å"divine plan for the world, then all efforts come to nothing, because everything comes to nothing. Hence our lives are meaningless without God†(Metz 293). Though Wolf attempts to support an agnostic view for the question, â€Å"is there meaning in lives? †her central points mirror those of the theistic view and supports many of its claims. This final section will concentrate on central points within Wolf’s argument that support a theistic view for understanding meaning in lives. To begin, she claims that a life has meaning insofar as it is â€Å"engaged in a project or projects that have some positive value†(Wolf 65). Although this statements seems logical, Wolf fails to provide an intelligible source for acquiring knowledge about whether or not a project has positive value and which projects do not. She betrays the agnostic attempt to provide an understanding of meaning in lives through reason, by suggesting that realization of projects with positive value relies upon an epiphany. The concept of an epiphany for realization is inconsistent with her attempts to rationalize. However, when Wolf’s definition is placed against the theistic view, it is logically consistent with theological beliefs. Theists believe that an individual must be actively engaged in positively affecting peoples lives with in the world, while ultimately contributing to God’s divine plan in order for their lives to have meaning. This concept is articulated beautifully in Gianluca Di Muzio’s argument: Theism and the Meaning of Life, in which he states, â€Å"In order to have meaning, our lives must make a difference to a higher scheme. And theism sees human action as doing a sort of double duty. On one hand, they affect other people and events in this world, on the other, they further or hinder God’s ultimate plan†(Di Muzio 2). This statement suggests that humanities actions in projects have the ability to have two different forms of significance, both relative and ultimate. Relative significance refers to the theistic perspective that, â€Å"actions and events have relative significance when they only influence other actions and events†(Di Muzio 3). Ultimate significance is when our actions and events â€Å"contribute to God’s plan†(Di Muzio 3). Both of these forms contribute to theistic view, however Wolf’s argument focuses solely on relative significance. The theistic understanding of relative significance is paralleled to Wolf’s understanding of meaning in lives. She believes that when individuals realize their insignificance and begin to seek beyond themselves for meaning by actively engaging in projects of positive value, they can acquire meaning. Though this insignificance is transient, it supports the theistic belief that, â€Å"human beings have access to value†without having to postulate the existence of God, because â€Å"existence affords the opportunity to attain the kinds of goods that make a human life worthwhile and fulfilling†(Di Muzio 5-6). Wolf’s profound point that human life is just a â€Å"speck in a vast universe†lays the foundation for the theistic belief in ultimate significance (Wolf 71). Theists believe that there is A fundamental disproportion between aspirations and reality is a powerful source of the idea that our lives are absurd and meaningless. We think we matter, and yet we don’t. The world is not intoned with our hope, desires and projects. The possibility of out destruction looms everywhere; and human suffering, however enormous, seems to be nothing but a passing accident, a byproduct of the presence of sentient creatures in a world that merely tolerates them for a short time. (Di Muzio 9) This understanding of human insignificance plays a vital role in the theistic belief that despite human fragility, purpose and significance are achievable within the most tragic circumstances. Wolf’s recognition of our insignificance implies our need to look beyond our own lives for meaning. If a life of meaning depends upon recognizing the truth about our insignificance and continuing to be â€Å"actively engaged in a project of positive value†, and one cannot perform these projects due to tragic circumstances, then within Wolf’s reasoning their life can not have meaning. Wolf’s understanding of meaning depends upon individual human performance. In trying times of suffering, whether great or small, this concept of looking outside of ones own circumstances is hard to accomplish and in some circumstances impossible, thus in such cases meaning cannot be unachieved. The theistic view of ultimate significance provides a hope that a life of suffering can have meaning and purpose too in that, â€Å"the idea of God and hope for immortality can help us look again at the world and our fragile lives as meaningful†(Di Muzio 9). The project of participating in God’s divine plan is the only project that has lasting and unwavering value for meaning in lives. Wolf’s central argument concerning meaning in lives provides many logically convincing and sound points. However, Wolf’s definition of a life of meaning is both disconnected from her original argument and lacks a consistent, authoritative source and process for achieving meaning. She attempts to suggest that meaning is an â€Å"intelligible feature to be sought in life†, then provides the solution for achieving this insight of through the unintelligible source of epiphany. Secondly, Wolf’s argument for the realization of insignificance as the truth, unlocks the need for an individual to look beyond serving his or her own self-centered desires for meaning. However, though her point about insignificance seems valid, Wolf fails to provide examples or an understanding of how an individual can objectively determine how to look outside of themselves. In total, Wolf produces an understanding of meaning that depends upon an individuals abilities to undergo an epiphany and properly manifest their understanding of the need to look outside one’s self and recognize Universal needs. The problem with this stance is that focusing on the Universe provides no lasting impact, or meaning to a particular life because the things of this Universe are finite and temporary. The individual’s life will eventually end along with the actions and events they affected. Though existence can provide an opportunity for value, as understood in Wolf’s argument and the theistic view, meaning is dependent upon a infinite being whose performance can not be temporary. An individual must not be reliant on their personal performances and finite experiences to obtain meaning, but rather is actively engaged in an eternal project of positive value, determined by an infinite and constant authority, God. Works Cited Borchert, Donald M. Theism. Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2nd ed. 10. Detroit: Gale, 2006. Web. 25 Apr 2012. Di Muzio, Gianluca. Theism and the Meaning of Life life’s meaning? Ars Disputandi . 6. (2006): 1-12. Print. Klemke, E. D. â€Å"The Meaning of Life†. 2nd. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. Print. Metz, Thaddeus. â€Å"Could God’s purpose be the source of life’s meaning? †Cambridge Journals. (2000): 293-311. Print. Wolf, Susan. The Meaning Of Lives. 62-73. Print.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Phobias Essay Example for Free
Phobias Essay A phobia is a common word to describe an unhealthy condition in which people experience abnormal fear of certain things or phenomena and demonstrate irrational behavior. The standard medical definition of phobia defines it as â€Å"early always, excessive fear of some particular type of object or situation; fear that is persistent and without sound grounds, or without grounds accepted as reasonable by the sufferer†(Beck, Emery, Greenberg 1985:115). Overall, the main symptoms of a phobia are â€Å"the presence of fear and by avoidance behavior†(Hamilton 1995:170). This fear should be excessive and manifested in physical symptoms, such as dryness of the mouth, nausea, sweat, and even faintness. The presence of excessive fear then leads a person to avoid the dreaded situation. Whatever the symptoms of the phobia might be, it is certain that phobias are a serious condition that can adversely affect the life of a person. In the following, we discuss various typical types of phobias, demonstrating their harmful influence on people’s lives. One of the most common phobias is agoraphobia, â€Å"a generalized fear of leaving home or a small familiar safe area, and of possible panic attacks that might follow. Agoraphobia is the only phobia regularly treated as a medical condition†(Wikipedia, 2006). This condition is one of the few phobias that are regularly treated with medication and behavioral therapy. When present in individuals, agoraphobia can seriously impair an individual’s ability to interact with the environment. Quite often, it will restrict a person’s willingness to relocate or even move out of one’s home. Agoraphobia typically emerges in individuals in their twenties who have a â€Å"a lowered threshold for panic attacks associated with separation†(Beck, Emery, Greenberg 1985: 134). Another widespread type is social phobia related to the general dislike of society aggravated to the degree of a medical condition. Another term for the same disease is the social anxiety disorder. The medical definition describes this phobia as â€Å"excessive long-lasting social anxiety causing relatively extreme distress and impaired ability to function in at least some areas of daily life†(Wikipedia, 2006). This fear can be seen in ordinary shyness which is characteristic of virtually all people in certain situations. However, whether shyness can be seen as a phobic condition is a matter of debate. In addition, there are more specific conditions that focus on selected objects or situations. One example is needle phobia, â€Å"a recently defined medical condition that affects at least 10% of the population†(Hamilton 1995:170). The people who suffer from this condition have developed an aversion to all kinds of medical procedures that involve an injection, which often triggers an avoidance of health care as a whole. It is certain that this condition can put the lives of people who demonstrate it in serious danger if it leads them to neglect a visit to a doctor. Therefore, phobias are serious health disorders that have the potential to seriously disrupt an individual’s life. Whereas people often demonstrate irrational behavior, only some instances have been classified as medical conditions qualifying for the definition of phobia. These include agoraphobia, or fear of open spaces or unwillingness to leave the familiar space, social phobia, also known as social anxiety disorder, and some more specific conditions, such as needle phobia. To a different degree, these phobias are widely spread and affect a large proportion of population.
Pushing Boundaries in Film and Literature
Pushing Boundaries in Film and Literature Assessment Task: Identify and discuss how literature and film are tools of transgression in Tropic of Cancer (novel), Lolita (novel) and Modern Times (film). To discover the complete horizon of a societys symbolic values, it is also necessary to map out its transgressions, interrogate its deviants, discern phenomena of rejection and refusal, and circumscribe the silent mouths that unlock upon underlying knowledge and implicit. ~Marcel Detienne, Dionysos Slain (cited in Oberoi 1992, p.363) Pushing boundaries have always been a major concern in art, whether it is literature, film, music, or painting. This paper will focus on two of the major art forms which are literature and film. They are used by two of the greatest authors of the twentieth century, Vladimir Nabokov and Henry Miller, and one of the most significant figures in the film industry, Charlie Chaplin, as tools of transgression that interrogate the boundaries and constraints created by society. According to Julian Wolfreys (2008, pp.1-3) transgression is the very pulse that constitutes our identities. Transgression is the act of breaking a law, committing a crime or sin, doing something illegal, or otherwise acting in some manner proscribed by the various forms or institutions of Law in societies, whether secular or religious, all of which have histories and which themselves are mutable, self-translating. Additionally, Wolfreys explains that the transgressive actions or attitudes of a character can frequently be worked out not through the characters identity solely, but also in the form (or let us call it identity) of the literary text in question. In Vladimir Nabokovs novel Lolita and Henry Millers Tropic of Cancer, sexuality is used as a tool of transgression to challenge the limits of socially accepted convention. In Charlie Chaplins film Modern Times, the industrialization is used to emphasize the danger that modern technology brings upon people by transforming them into working units, and that machinery is used solely for profit. The conflation of Millers sexually saturated novel, Nabokovs seductive composition, and Chaplins instigative film form the perfect study object to explore the nature of transgression, which is perceived in both novels and the film not as intentionally morally corrupt, but as an opposition to social convention. The tools used by Miller, Nabokov, and Chaplin, in order to convey their visions, are the language and the power of imagery. In Lolita (1955), the readers are tempted, seduced, and simultaneously threatened by Humberts manipulation and aesthetic transcendence where he has only words to play with (Nabokov 1980, p.32). Humberts story is a confession composed of words that are able to seduce the reader in the same way as he seduces Lolita. The threat of Humberts words is that, unconsciously, the reader may fall for his confession which, as Vanity Fair (LA Times 1998) argues, is the only convincing love story of our century. Moreover, the readers can take part in the novels action through its imagery when Humbert invites them to participate in the scene (Nabokov, p.56) where he is about to seduce his nymphet. Lolita nonchalantly places her legs across Humberts lap while showing him an image of a surrealist painter relaxing, supine, on a beach, and near him, likewise supine, a plaster replica of Venus di Milo, half-buried in sand (p.58). As Humbert perceives everything through the lens of art, including and esp ecially his Lolita, she can be associated with Venus di Milo who is Humberts ideal of beauty; not as a mature woman though, but as a young girl whom Humbert loves so much that he desires her sexually. Karshan (Boyle Evans 2008, p.98) argues that Lolita exposes the sinister potential of the cult of the child in post-Romantic art: that it protects children by making them lovable, but by making them too lovable risks making them desirable, and so places them in danger. While Lolita sits in his lap, Humbert cannot resist the urge to masturbate, himself admitting that he was in a state of excitement bordering on insanity (Nabokov, p.58). Although no explicit language was used to portray the actual scene, it should not be forgotten that the reason of Humberts delicious distention (p.59) is a twelve year old girl. Humberts assertion that he had done nothing to her [Lolita] [and that] Lolita had been safety solipsized (p.59), moreover, that nothing could prevent him from repeating the scene, comes in direct opposition to Karshans observations that children who fall prey to adults pervert desires, are in great danger. Wolfreys (p.14) points out that the novels, plays or films seek to work through the paradox that one transgresses because ones survival is threatened by what, to many, is convention or normative behavior. That which is considered to be an important feature of the nature of transgression is the way in which it affirms the limitlessness into which it leaps (Foucault 1977, p.35), in this instance, of seducing the reader and the viewer where, if [they] do not watch out, the real murderer may turn out to be, to [their] disgust, artistic originality (Nabokov 1980, p.311). In Lolita, originality is the one that annihilate convention therefore artistic originality can be referred to as destroyer of convention. AlthoughHumbert is a murderer and a paedophile who, besides words, uses also physical violence to subjugate Lolita: In fact [I] hurt her rather badly (ibid, p.203), and rapes her countless times, he is identified with artistic originality. Through originality and artistic innovation, Humbert succeeds to project his techniques of rhetorical seduction not only on Lolita, but on the reader too: I faked interest by bringing my head so close that [Lolitas] hair touched my temple and her arm brushed my cheek as she wiped her lips with her wrist (p.57). The affiliation of originality with criminality can be seen as a tool of transgression. Furthermore, the reader is invited to raise ethical questions, though, at the same time they are rejected through parody in the same way as physical comedy is used and parodised in Humberts struggle to open the pharmacys door: [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] in front of the first drugstore, I saw with what melody of relief! Lolitas fair bicycle waiting for her. I pushed instead of pulling, pulled, pushed, pulled, and entered (p.204), as well as romanticism and romantic love is: [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] my Lolita [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] stretched towards me two bare arms, raised one knee: Carry me upstairs, please. I feel sort of romantic tonight (pp.205-206). The role reversal of the seducer it actually blindfolds Humbert into following Lolitas machinations for their second journey. In this scene, Lolita is empowered hence she transforms into a twelve year old girl-temptress and thus putting an entirely new spin on the nightmare of child rape (Winchell 2002, p.329). At this stage, Lolita holds complete power not only over Humberts lustful body, but over his imagination too. In his mad love for Lolita, Humbert, a thirty-seven year old adult does not realize that not the role that she played in the school play has trained her into certain affectations, but Humbert himself and her longing to escape from him. Millers Tropic of Cancer (1934)breaks with the English literary tradition (Shapiro 1961, p.xii), its tools of transgression being the obscene language as well as the imagery used to portray the chronicle of a man who is happy (p.xi), who reaches his aspiration of becoming an artist. The novel is considered an important milestone in the development of the autobiographical novel (Shute 2002, online) from the point of view that the artist who, through the power of graphic descriptions, can shock and push the reader out of the literary complacency (ibid). Frequently, at a first glance, the ideas presented in the novel may seem trivial: We have evolved a new cosmogony of literature, Boris and I. It is to be a new Bible-The Last Book. [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] After us not another book (Miller 1961, p.26), though through a close reading the depth of their meaning have a tremendous impact with a new sort of understanding. The suggestion that a whole new world could be created through the power of t he written word signifies the idea of an apocalypse and the rebirth of the world itself. As Foucault (1977, p.30) argues, Profanation in a world which no longer recognizes any positive meaning in the sacred-is this not more or less what we may call transgression? The creation of a new Bible which instigates to rape, to murder (Miller 1961, p.27) may appear as a criminal offense to the humanity itself, though it is rather a direct affront to the contemporary way of life. Miller does not write about the world, Miller is showing the world as it exists (Bursey 2015, p.164). The sacred was and still is considered to be that which the profane should not reach. On the whole, sacred is associated with religion, therefore sacredness [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] denotes religiosity (Jenks 2003, p.29). However, in a world where the form of the sacred has become more diluted thus less recognisable, transgression as the nature of the social reaction is just a mere attempt to restore the common values and n ormative constraints. In Tropic of Cancer it is more than obvious that obscenity which most often connotes excess, violence and transgression (Mavor cited in Mey 2007, p.5) is used as a violation of the aforementioned normative constraints, thus obscenity can be seen as a violation of the societal boundaries. In Tropic of Cancer Miller reveals and implies sexual purity not as real eroticism rather he divulges sexuality just as it is: a bone in [his] prick six inches long [to] ream out every wrinkle in [Tanias] cunt (Miller 1961, p.5). Throughout the novel Miller does not try to conceal the events that take place in his life, contrariwise he writes his real life experiences of how he walks the streets, how he tries to find money, food, how he meets his friends, how he sleeps with whores, and even getting an erection looking at the dumb statues (p.16). Millers literature juggles on a string between sexuality and civilization, his literature it transgresses the limits of decency and it takes the freedom to s ay that which is considered to be taboo. Society does not allow openly expressed sexuality through words, as such expression of freedom might undermine the societys authority and thus societys structure itself. Although there have always been huge controversy on the sexual topics of Tropic of Cancer, the relationship of its author with the traditions of literature and art cannot be denied. The development of the artist is one the novels major themes, thus art is implied as being the artists way of living, and if sex and sexuality smoothes the artists path to fulfilling his destiny, then so be it, Nabokovs (p.257) words that sex is but the ancilla of art might be the a reasonable solution when trying to understand Millers world. Modern Times (1936), with the foreword: A story of industry of individual enterprise ~ humanity crusading in the pursuit of happiness (min. 1.07) is considered to be a comedic masterpiece written and directed by Charlie Chaplin. Although it is a fusion of slapstick, which is comedy based on deliberately clumsy actions and humorously embarrassing events:slapstick humour (Oxford Dictionaries), and satire, the film deals with major themes that encompass the turmoil of the 1930s American society, such as The American Dream, the effects of the Great Depression, mechanization and mass production, anarchy and rebellion, poverty, food, and hunger. By 1936Chaplin was already well known for his film directing, some of his most important films are The Kid (1921), The Gold Rush (1925), City Lights (1931), though Modern Times is Chaplins first overtly political film with dangerously meaningful (Nugent 1936) intertitles and imagery. Chaplin is using intertitles, the sound being substituted by the exaggerated character of the gesture and the reliance on miming that leads to an emphasis on acting. The opening scene of the film is showing a flock of white sheep being guided by an unseen force (min. 1.20) towards an unseen location, with a single black sheep among them symbolising The Tramp, the anarchist of the society who resents control. The scene is complemented by the marching music that leads to the next scene of the film showing a mass of people going to work (min. 1.30), driven by the same unseen force. The metaphor implemented by the association of people with domesticated animals that obey their master has a great impact on viewers, its statement being that people are controlled by industrialization and mechanization therefore they must accept, obey, and let themselves be controlled by the ruler, and that is the minority of the system that creates the rules. On the concept that, in order to provide for a living, humanity is forced to adjust to mechanization and machines, in the same way the tyranny of the technology is forcing people to become robotic machines themselves. The theme of mechanization that enslaves the man is emphasised in the first section of the film where the workers are being monitored (min. 2.39) by the President of the Electro Steel Corp. factory through giant monitors. Furthermore, the people must work at a pace imposed by nothing else than a machine, though the one who commands the speeding up of the working pace is the factorys Director: Section five, speed her up! 401 (min. 2.59). The working scene is filled with comedy, though when The Tramps tool gets stuck on a nut he cannot manage to release it on time, thus his coworker, by mistake, hits The Tramps hand with the hammer. At this point the whole working process must be stopped, the supervisor intervenes, and when The Tramp reports his bulky colleague, the latte r kicks him as a punishment. It is worth mentioning that The Tramp does not show any fear, contrariwise he hits his colleague back (min. 4.35), his gesture signifying him fighting not only his coworker, but the whole system too. Once again the Director orders the speeding up of the working pace (min. 4.46) which results in The Tramp having a sort of a breakdown and begins to screw everything he sees, from the secretarys skirt buttons to even the comic scene when he chases a woman who has buttons on her dress, on the street (min. 16.15). Bibliography Primary sources: Modern Times,1936 [film]. Directed by Charlie CHAPLIN. USA: United Artists MILLER, H., 1961. Tropic of Cancer. USA: Grove Press, Inc. NABOKOV, V., 1980. Lolita. England: Clays Ltd. Secondary sources: BURSEY, J., 2015. Cartography of the Obscene. In: DECKER, M. J. and I. MÄNNISTE, eds. Henry Miller: New Perspectives. (p.164). New York: Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. [online] [viewed: 27 Dec 16]. Available from: FOUCAULT, M., 1977. A Preface to Transgression. In: FOUCAULT, M., eds. Language, Counter-Memory, Practice: Selected Essays and Interviews. (p.30). USA: Cornell University Press. [online] [viewed: 22 Dec 16]. Available from: JENKS, C., 2003. Transgression. (p.29). London: Routledge KARSHAN, T., 2008. Vladimir Nabokovs Lolita and Free Play. In: BOYLE, E. and A.-M. EVANS, eds. Reading America: New Perspectives on the American Novel. (p.98). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [online] [viewed: 22 Dec 16]. Available from: MEY, K., 2007. Art and Obscenity. (p.5). London: Tauris Co. Ltd. [online library] [viewed: 02 Jan 17]. Available from: OBEROI, H., 1992. Popular Saints, Goddesses, and Village Sacred Sites: Rereading Sikh Experience in the Nineteenth Century. JSTOR (p.363). USA: The University of Chicago Press. [online] [viewed: 19 Dec 16]. Available from: ONLINE OXFORD DICTIONARIES. [viewed: 3 Jan 17]. Available at: WOLFREYS, J., 2008. Transgression: Identity, Space, Time. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. [online] [viewed: 19 Dec 16]. Available from: Online articles: NUGENT, F. S., 1936. Heralding the Return, After and Undue Absence, of Charlie Chaplin in Modern Times. The New York Times. [online] [viewed: 3 Jan 17]. Available from: SHATTUCK, R., 1998. The Alibi of Art: What Baudelaire, Nabokov and Quentin Tarantino Have in Common. Los Angeles Times, (p.4). [online] [viewed: 20 Dec 16]. Available from:
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Journey Towards Racial Reconciliation Essay -- The Harlem Renaissance,
The Harlem Renaissance poets had to overcome many obstacles to establish themselves in the world of American poetry. They faced overt racism, harsh criticism, and racial isolation. Out of these impediments came a multitude of great literary contributions. However, some of the best poems came from the critical self-analysis of four highly influential Harlem Renaissance poets. Hughes, McKay, Cullen, and Bennett each wrestled with the issue of uncertain racial identity. Each pair had poems with identical titles: â€Å"Mulatto†for Hughes and McKay and â€Å"Heritage†for Cullen and Bennett. The analysis of each pair of poems and how the respective authors handle the subject material will reveal a distinctive pattern of racial confusion. For many of the Harlem Renaissance poets, establishing a definitive place of belonging was virtually impossible. Their poems portray individuals are conflicted as to where they belong and how they identify themselves. While the differences between the poems are telling in their own right, the similar theme of racial identity is what links all four poets together in the larger context of being â€Å"negro poets†. â€Å"Mulatto†is the strongest case for racial confusion of the two titles that will be analyzed. A mulatto is someone who is classified as a person of mixed white and black ancestry, especially a person with one white and one black parent. It is this exact type of person that Hughes and McKay are writing about in their identically titled works. During the 1920’s, when both of these men were writing poetry, people of mixed races were looked down upon by both blacks and whites. They were oddities and not accepted by either ancestral group. This fostered feelings of isolation in these individuals. Conflicted, the... ...Fiction. New York: Atheneum, 1969. Print. Bontemps, Arna. The Harlem Renaissance Remembered; Essays,. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1972. Print. Emanuel, James A., and Theodore L. Gross. Dark Symphony: Negro Literature in America,. New York: Free, 1968. Print. Gibson, Donald B. Modern Black Poets; a Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1973. Print. Maxwell, William J., and Joseph Valente. "Metrocolonial Capitals of Renaissance Modernism: Dublin's 'New Ireland' and Harlem's 'Mecca of the New Negro." (2001): n. pag. Modern American Poetry. Department of English, University of Illinois. Web. Nelson, Cary. "Claude McKay." Anthology of Modern American Poetry. New York: Oxford UP, 2000. 314-19. Print. Parham, Marisa. "Hughes, Cullen, and the In-sites of Loss." ELH. Vol. 74. N.p.: Johns Hopkins UP, 2007. 429-47. Print.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Relationship between Britain and the United States during the Eden and
SINCE THE END OF WORLD WAR II, A ROMANTICISED ‘SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP’ between the United States and Britain has been referenced on countless occasions in speeches, books, and essays by academics and statesmen on both sides of the Atlantic. The relationship has multiple definitions, with no precise doctrine or formal agreement that outlines its tenets, and has been apparent in a myriad of interactions between the two countries. It is visibly apparent culturally as the United States evolved from a nucleus of British settlers to become an English-speaking country, sharing with Great Britain ‘joint aims’ and a ‘common heritage’, as is often referenced in political rhetoric, and by David Watt in his introduction to the book The Special Relationship (D. Watt 1). Yet this perceived relationship between these two countries has gone beyond a joint appreciation for the literature of William Shakespeare and the flavour of a Burger King Whopper to become manifest in political and military relations between the United States and Britain. Winston Churchill was first to prominently recognise an Anglo-American ‘special relationship’, stating in the years immediately following World War II that he saw the relationship between the US and the UK as an ‘alliance of equals’, according to Sir Michael Howard in the Afterward of The Special Relationship (Howard 387). Howard writes that Britain in general saw the ‘special relationship’ as a vehicle for the United States ‘to accept and underwrite Britain’s status as a coequal world power’ (387). As time passed, however, Britain’s standing a Great Power quickly diminished. Despite this, British possession of nuclear weapons, United Nations Security Council membership, access to political an... ...Ernest R. and Gregory F. Treverton. ‘Defence Relationships: American Perspectives’. The Special Relationship. Ed. William Rogers Louis and Hedley Bull. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986. 161-184. Perkins, Bradford. ‘Unequal Partners: The Truman Administration and Great Britain’. The Special Relationship. Ed. William Rogers Louis and Hedley Bull. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986. 43-64. Rothwell, Victor. Anthony Eden. Manchester: Manchester U.P., 1992. Walker, Martin. The Cold War. London: Fourth Estate Ltd., 1993. Watt, D. Cameron. ‘Demythologising the Eisenhower Era’. The Special Relationship. Ed. William Rogers Louis and Hedley Bull. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986. 65-86. Watt, David. ‘Introduction: The Anglo-American Relationship’. The Special Relationship. Ed. William Rogers Louis and Hedley Bull. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986. 1-16.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Laser Essay -- essays research papers
The Laser Before we can learn about the laser we need to know a little bit about light (since that is what a laser is made of). Light from our sun, or from an electric bulb, is called white light. It is really a mixture of all the different colours of light. The colours range from violet, indigo, and blue, to green, yellow, orange, and red. These make up the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Light is made up of particles, called PHOTONS, which travel in waves. The difference in the colour depends on the wavelength of the light. Violet light has the shortest wavelength while red has the longest. There are other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum which includes infra-red, radar, television radio and micro- waves (past red on the spectrum), and on the other end of the spectrum are the other invisible radiations, ultra- violet, X rays, micro waves and gamma rays. The wavelength of the light is important to the subject of the laser. A laser is made up of COHERENT light, a special kind of light in which the wavelengths of the light are all the same length, and the crests of these waves are all lined up, or in PHASE. The word Laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. What does that mean? Basically a laser is a device which produces and then amplifies light waves and concentrates them into an intense penetrating beam. The principles of the laser (and it's cousin the maser) were established long before these devices were succes...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Drag in aircrafts
There are four forces that act on an aircraft in flight: lift, weight, thrust, and drag. Aircraft’s motion in air is dependent on the relative magnitude and direction of these forces. Fig -1 below shows the direction of these forces. Fig 1 (Benson, 2006) The weight of an airplane is always directed towards the center of the earth. The thrust is normally directed forward along the center-line of the aircraft. Lift and drag are aerodynamic forces on the airplane.Drag acts in a direction opposite to the motion of the aircraft and hence is sometimes referred to as the aerodynamic friction, while lift force acts perpendicular to the motion. An aircraft is in a state of equilibrium when the thrust and drag are equal and opposite. It will continue to move forward at the same uniform speed. If thrust or drag becomes greater than the opposite force, the aircraft loses its state of equilibrium. If thrust is greater than drag, the aircraft will accelerate. If drag is greater than thrust, the aircraft will lose speed and eventually descend.When lift and weight are equal and opposite, the airplane is in a state of equilibrium. If lift is greater than weight, the aircraft will climb. If weight is greater than lift, the airplane will descend. Drag is the aerodynamic force encountered as an airplane pushes through the air, which tends to slow the airplane down. Drag is generated by the contact of a solid body with a fluid, in this case due to the interaction between the plane body and air. Drag force, which is a mechanical force, is generated by every part of the airplane including the engines.It is a vector quantity i. e. has both magnitude and direction. Drag must be overcome by thrust in order to achieve forward motion. Drag is generated by nine conditions associated with the motion of air particles over the aircraft. Although prediction of drag and wind tunnel drag measurements of models yield good results, final drag evaluation must be obtained by flight tests. Sou rces of Drag in aircrafts Drag can be thought of as aerodynamic friction, and one of the sources of drag is the skin friction between the molecules of the air and the solid surface of the aircraft.Drag can also be thought of as aerodynamic resistance to the motion of the object through the fluid. This source of drag depends on the shape of the aircraft and is called form drag. As air flows around a body, the local velocity and pressure are changed. Since pressure is a measure of the momentum of the gas molecules and a change in momentum produces a force, a varying pressure distribution will produce a force on the body. This causes pressure drag. As an aircraft approaches the speed of sound, shock waves are generated along the surface.There is a drag penalty, known as wave drag that is associated with the formation of the shock waves. The magnitude of the wave drag depends on the Mach number of the flow. Ram drag is associated with slowing down the free stream air as air is brought i nside the aircraft. Jet engines and cooling inlets on the aircraft are sources of ram drag. (Benson, 2006) There is an additional drag component caused by the generation of lift, known as induced drag, is the drag due to lift. It is also called â€Å"drag due to lift†because it only occurs on finite, lifting wings.This drag occurs because the flow near the wing tips is distorted span wise as a result of the pressure difference from the top to the bottom of the wing. Swirling vortices are formed at the wing tips, which produce a downwash of air behind the wing which is very strong near the wing tips and decreases toward the wing root. The local angle of attack of the wing is increased by the induced flow of the down wash, giving this, downstream-facing, component to the aerodynamic force acting over the entire wing. Types of Drag in aircrafts There are several types of drag: form, pressure, skin friction, parasite, induced, wave and ram.However, form, pressure, skin friction, wave and ram drags are collectively known as parasite drag. Hence, there are only two types of drag: parasite and induced Parasite drag – Profile or parasite drag is caused by the airplane pushing the air out of the way as it moves forward. The parasite drag of a typical airplane consists primarily of the skin friction, roughness, and pressure drag of the major components. Some additional parasite drag is also due to things like fuselage upsweep, control surface gaps, base areas, and other extraneous items.The basic parasite drag area for airfoil and body shapes can be computed from the following expression: f = k cf Swet, where the skin friction coefficient, cf , which is based on the exposed wetted area includes the effects of roughness, and the form factor, k, accounts for the effects of both super-velocities and pressure drag. Swet is the total wetted area of the body or surface. Computation of the overall parasite drag requires that we compute the drag area of each of t he major components (fuselage, wing, nacelles and pylons, and tail surfaces) and then evaluate the additional parasite drag components described above.Hence it is written as: CDp = S ki cfi Sweti / Sref + CDupsweep + CDgap+ CDnac_base + CDmisc, where the first term includes skin friction, and pressure drag at zero lift of the major components. cfi is the average skin friction coefficient for a rough plate with transition at flight Reynolds number. Equivalent roughness is determined from flight test data. (http://adg. stanford. edu/aa241/drag/parasitedrag. html) Induced drag – Induced drag is the part of the force produced by the wing that is parallel to the relative wind, i. e. the lift.As it is a consequence of the vortices it is sometimes called vortex drag. Induced drag is least at minimum AOA and is greatest at the maximum AOA i. e. angle of attack. Induced drag = (k ? CL? / A) ? Q ? S where A is the wing aspect ratio. (Preston, R) The magnitude of induced drag depends on the amount of lift being generated by the wing and on the wing geometry Long, thin (chord wise) wings have low induced drag; short wings with a large chord have high induced drag. An airplane must fight its way through both kinds of drag in order to maintain steady flight.. Total drag is a sum of Parasite and Induced drag. Total Drag = Parasite drag + Induced drag However, the total drag of an aircraft is not simply the sum of the drag of its components. When the components are combined into a complete aircraft, one component can affect the air flowing around and over the airplane, and hence, the drag of one component can affect the drag associated with another component. These effects are called interference effects, and the change in the sum of the component drags is called interference drag. Thus, (Drag)1+2 = (Drag)1 + (Drag)2 + (Drag)interference (Johnston, D)Generally, interference drag will add to the component drags but in a few cases, for example, adding tip tanks to a wing , total drag will be less than the sum of the two component drags because of the reduction of induced drag. Total drag and its variation with altitude The equation for total drag is: D = CD x S x ? rV2 (Preston, R) where, CD is the coefficient of drag. It must be subdivided into two parts, the Cdi (Coefficient of induced drag) and CDp (Coefficient of parasite drag. ). Therefore it can be written as: D = (Cdi + Cdp) x S x ? rV2 (Preston, R)The airplane's total drag determines the amount of thrust required at a given airspeed. Thrust must equal drag in steady flight. Lift and drag vary directly with the density of the air. As air density increases, lift and drag increase and as air density decreases, lift and drag decrease. Thus, both lift and drag will decrease at higher altitudes. Fig 1 shows the total drag curve which represents drag against velocity of the object. The fuel-flow versus velocity graph for an air graph is derived from this graph, and generally looks as shown in Fig 2 Fig – 1 (Preston, R) Fig – 2 (Preston, R) From the above drag it is seen that the total drag is minimum at a certain velocity. This occurs when the parasitic drag is equal to the induced drag. Below this speed induced drag dominates, and above this speed parasite drag dominates. Design engineers are interested in minimizing the total drag. Unfortunately many factors may conflict. For example, longer wing span reduces induced drag, but the larger frontal area usually means a higher coefficient of parasite drag. Conversely, a high wing loading (i. e.a small wing) with a small aspect ratio produces the lowest possible parasite drag but unfortunately is the produces for a lot of induced drag. In recent time it is seen that jet airliners have longer wings, to reduce induced drag, and then fly at higher altitudes to reduce the parasite drag. This causes no improvement in aerodynamic efficiency, but the higher altitudes do result in more efficient engine operation. (Preston, R) Angle of Attack (AOA), is the angle between the wing and the relative wind. Everything else being costant, an increase in AOA results in an increase in lift.This increase continues until the stall AOA is reached then the trend reverses itself and an increase in AOA results in decreased lift. The pilot uses the elevators to change the angle of attack until the wings produce the lift necessary for the desired maneuver. Besides AOA other factors also contribute to the production of lift, like relative wind velocity and air density i. e. temperature and altitude. Changing the size or shape of the wing (lowering the flaps) will also change the production of lift. Airspeed is absolutely necessary to produce lift.If there is no airflow past the wing, no air can be diverted downward. At low airspeed, the wing must fly at a high AOA to divert enough air downward to produce adequate lift. As airspeed increases, the wing can fly at lower AOAs to produce the needed lift. This is why airplane s flying relatively slow must be nose high (like an airliner just before landing or just as it takes off) but at high airspeeds fly with the fuselage fairly level. The key is that the wings don't have to divert fast moving air down nearly as much as they do to slow moving air.Air density also contributes to the wing's ability to produce lift. This is manifested primarily in an increase in altitude, which decreases air density. As the density decreases, the wing must push a greater volume of air downward by flying faster or push it down harder by increasing the angle of attack. This is why aircraft that fly very high must either go very fast e. g. Mach 3, or must have a very large wing for its weight. This is why the large passenger airplanes cruise at higher altitude to reduce drag, and hence save on the furl costs.(â€Å"Aircraft for Amateurs†, 1999) Small sized aircrafts have lower than normal Reynolds number. The drag coefficient attributable to skin friction is hence high er for the small aircraft. For this reason, the maximum lift-drag ratios characteristic of business jet aircraft tend to be lower than those of the large transports. Hence, the smaller flights can fly at relatively lower altitudes. References Books John A. Roberson & Clayton T. Crowe, 1997, Engineering fluid Mechanics, 6th ed. , John Weily & Sons Inc. , ISBN 0-471-14735-4.Clement Klienstreuer, 1997, Engineering Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-49670-5 Websites â€Å"Aircraft for Amateurs†, 11th Jan. 1999 http://www. fas. org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/intro. htm Benson, T. , â€Å"The Beginner’s guide to Aeronautics†. , 14th March 2006 http://www. grc. nasa. gov/WWW/K-12/////airplane/ Johnston, D. , â€Å"Drag†, http://www. centennialofflight. gov/essay/Theories_of_Flight/drag/TH4. htm â€Å"Parasitic Drag†, http://adg. stanford. edu/aa241/drag/parasitedrag. html Preston, R. , â€Å"Total Drag†and â€Å"Flight Controls†, http://selair. selkirk. bc. ca/aerodynamics1/
Friday, August 16, 2019
Belonging Essay ‘Romulus My Father’, ‘the Lost Thing’ and ‘the Catcher in the Rye’
Our search for who we are is fuelled by our innate desire to achieve a sense of acceptance and belonging. Belonging doesn’t just happen; it involves many factors and experiences in order to feel that you truly belong. Feeling a sense of inclusion can enrich our identity and relationships and can lead to acceptance and understanding. In order to understand who we are we need to belong and this is effectively represented in Raimond Gaita’s memoir ‘Romulus My Father,’ Shaun Tan’s ‘The Lost Thing’ and JD Salinger’s ‘The Catcher in the Rye. An individual’s interaction with others and the world around them can enrich or limit their experience of belonging to an environment. ‘Romulus My Father’ demonstrates this through the profound sense of acceptance that exists within Raimond. He delivers his observations in a reflective and thoughtful tone, particularly in his recollections of his father, as he â€Å"loved him too deeply†¦ no quarrel could estrange (them)†and felt a genuine sense of familial belonging. This is also evident even after Christine dies. He observed, â€Å"We came together as son and husband with the woman whose remains lay beneath us. †Juxtaposed against Raimond’s belonging is the suffering of Christine in her displacement. Christine struggles to be the mother that society expects her to be, and her inability to relate and conform is described by Raimond as, â€Å"a troubled city girl, she could not settle†¦ in a landscape that highlighted her isolation. †Raimond’s despondent tone conveys how Christine could not fit into the community and in Australia. As a result, her isolation and alienation lead her to betray the institution of family juxtaposed by â€Å"I felt awkward with her,†which shows that Raimond’s relationship with his mother has lost the familial belonging it once contained. Similar to Christine’s feelings of estrangement, Romulus â€Å"felt like a ‘prisoner’ in Australia,†that was looked down upon and unwanted, resulting in a sympathetic response from the reader. Throughout the novel, we witness Romulus facing and struggling with these opposing pressures. Feelings of estrangement and an inability to simply ‘fit in’ are similarly explored in Shaun Tan’s â€Å"The Lost Thing†. Tan explores the attitude and bitterness towards things that do not belong, and the intricacies of a world that directly reflects society and its inability to accept differences. The fundamental need to belong can consequently result in many altering themselves in order to conform to societal expectations. Feeling a sense of belonging and acceptance involves facing many pressures and difficulties, which are clearly demonstrated by Tan. The Lost Thing is largely ignored and hardly noticed by the community, despite its bright red colour and large appearance that makes it stand out to the reader as it is juxtaposed with the dull and industrialized background. However, regardless of it curious appearance and obvious presence, the community is self-absorbed, too preoccupied with their ritual habits to even notice it. Towards the end of the book, it becomes clear that there are many other lost things that regularly appear in the city, but their presence can only be measured by the minimal extent to which they are noticed. This demonstrates the negative attitudes directed towards people or things that do not stereotypically fit in with the rest of society. Tan also explores the sense of belonging created in such a detached environment. The citizens of the organised community develop a sense of identity by conforming to the rule of society and following the organised standardizations, as demonstrated through the reoccurring motif of the identical houses drawn in neat columns. Ultimately for them to be accepted, they exclude others. Attaining a sense of ‘belonging’ can act as a nurturing force for notions of identity, bringing fulfillment and enrichment of character and this is clearly demonstrated throughout JD Salinger’s novel ‘The Catcher in the Rye,’ through the protagonist nature of Holden Caulfield. Holden seems to be excluded from and victimized by the world around him. As he mentions to his professor Mr. Spencer, he feels trapped on â€Å"the other side†of life, and he continually attempts to find his way in a world in which he feels he doesn’t belong. Part of Holden’s alienation is a result of his inability, or perhaps unwillingness to grow up. Holden is fearful of adulthood, claiming that adulthood is world of superficiality and â€Å"phonies. †We are constantly reminded of Holden’s war against â€Å"phonies†, ironically reflecting on Holden’s phoney and fake personality. Like a child, Holden fears change and is overwhelmed by the complexity, but he is too out of touch with his feelings to admit it. Instead, he spends much of his time criticizing others. When are you going to grow up? †Carl Luce makes it apparent to Holden that he must grow up and move on from his issues which are holding him back. In the conclusion of his journey, Holden is able to gain a sense of belonging and acceptance within his sister Phoebe. Although losing his brother Allie was incredibly hard, Holden finds comfort in his close relationship with his sister and is able to move on willingly. The feeling of acceptan ce involves many factors and experiences. The innate desire to belong and ramifications of not belonging are clearly represented within ‘Romulus my Father’. The struggles of belonging in the self-absorbed organized society of ‘The Lost Thing’ clearly demonstrate our basic need to be accepted. JD Salinger is able to prove that a sense of belonging comes from a sense of identity within ‘The Catcher in the Rye. ’ Belonging can enrich our identity and relationships and can lead to acceptance and understanding.
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