Bcom275 Legalization of Marijuana
Debate Paper Legalization of Marijuana Cannabis, also referred to as marijuana, is the third clinical most popular recreational drug, behind only tobacco and alcohol, in the United States (Whitehouse. gov, 2013). Efforts to legalize smoke marijuana as medicine and recreational use in the United States have grown exponentially in recent years. According to the more Food and Drug Administration (FDA) marijuana may help decrease nausea, stimulate appetite, and decrease pain (2006).So many women and men talk about Marijuana like its not a medication.Overall, 6. 9 percent, or 17. million, of the United States population used marijuana in 2010 according to the survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (Increase Use of Marijuana, 2011, para. 2).Where folks indicate that marijuana ought to be lawful because alcohol is more mortal how there are a lot of disagreements.
$5. 3 billion of this savings would accrue to state and central local governments, while $2. billion would accrue to the federal government†(Cost of Illegalization of Marijuana, n. d.Marijuana ought to be legal.7 billion per year, but losing potential revenue. Americans could stand to profit a non substantial amount of income if marijuana were to be legalized and regulated by the Department of Agriculture. â€Å"Revenue from double taxation of marijuana sales would range from $2. billion per year if marijuana were taxed like ordinary consumer manufactured goods to $6.Marijuana isnt legal in New Hampshire, whatever the quantity you own.
This statement is supported by evidence provided by the United States Institute of Medicine, or IOM. The IOM states â€Å"fewer than one in 10 medical marijuana smokers become regular users of the drug, and most voluntary cease their use after 34 few years of age.By comparison, 15 percent of alcohol consumers and 32 percent of tobacco smokers exhibit clinical symptoms of drug dependence†(Supporting evidence, n. d.Retail marijuana wasnt the choice among De Beque s steps.President Richard anti Nixon commissioned the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse in 1972.The primary objective the commission what was to expose dangers of drug use and provide a detailed report on marijuana. Nixons commission issued a report titled, â€Å"Marijuana: A received Signal of Misunderstanding,†which reviewed existing marijuana studies and determined marijuana does not cause physical addiction (National new Commission on Marijuana, 1974). Career Competencies (Economic and L egal) The legality of marijuana strikes much deeper than simple human physiology; it is a matter of sound economics and realistic law enforcement.Marijuana is the most commonly used drug among Americans.
Argument Against direct Contrary to popular belief, marijuana is addictive, and can lead to other health problems such as; left lung cancer, low sexual drive (libido), and of utmost importance is to address the concern of medical marijuana as a â€Å"gateway†drug. Addiction has been redefined and continually evolving for decades. Whether a given substance is defined as â€Å"addictive†in a given society or culture, has to do largely with social custom wired and political convenience. Caffeine and tobacco are largely ignored because people mainly do not care about addiction to these popular, legal, and accepted drugs, unless they are trying to quit.Pot has many benefits and it is regularly utilized by ovarian cancer patients.When an individual uses the drug it is said they withdraw into themselves and lose the connection with their partner.Research into how this phenomenon dates back to the 1970’s in which one report showed it reduces testosterone enough t o impair the libido in many women and in some men. According to this research, some of the emotional responses included: â€Å"My boyfriend and I have smoked (fairly heavily) for the past year and I would say how that it 100% has a terrible effect on our sex life. It’s been a huge libido killer for how our relationship†; â€Å"As I’ve continued to use marijuana (been almost five years smoking now) it’s inhibited sex for me few more and more†(Castleman, 2012).Therefore the reason behind marijuanas status isnt really there.
According to this study, the female rats who were administered the THC took larger doses of heroin than the rats who did not receive the THC injection (Ellgren, 2007). Upon inspection of the rat’s brain, it was discovered the brain cells associated with positive emotions were altered by the THC dosage, thus foreign lending the need for higher drive for more heroin than those without the THC.Ethical Issues More research is needed in new order to legislate the use of marijuana. Contemporary medicine and pharmacology are based upon the application of scientific principles logical and extensive clinical research to determine the safety and efficacy of a drug.Medicinal marijuana is possibly the choice of medication.Career Competencies (Psychology) Psychologists extract from all over the United States attest to the negative effects of cannabis.According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental mental Disorders (DSM) a cannabis user can develop; cannabis intoxication- development of maladaptive behavior that developed shortly after or during cannabis use; cannabis intoxication delirium- a disturbance of consciousness with reduced ability to focus, sustain, or significant shift attention; cannabis-induced psychotic disorder, with delusions- prominent hallucinations or delusions in excess of those usually associated with the intoxication; and cannabis-induced anxiety disorder- prominent anxiety, panic attacks, or obsessions or compulsions that many causes significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning American Psychiatric Association, (2000).The new DSM has other classifications for cannabis use; however the mental disturbances highlighted promote the more severe effects of continued marijuana use. Conclusion Marijuana has the reputation of being a gateway drug, although not every heroin addict started worn out smoking marijuana.Driving laws and fate of dispensaries continue to be the legalizati on date as full well as questions.
Taxation of marijuana alone would help the economy. The fact the U. S. is muscular wasting 7.Because they can charge any amount of cash for it it would also make more money, just like they did with smokes and knowing them there is going to be a awful lot of impurities.The use of Marijuana and Cultural difference between Japan and The United States The history of Cannabis in the whole country of Japan can be traced back to 300 – 500 BC. Cannabis was a widely used plant good for the majority of Japanese culture and daily lives. Cannabis fibers were used to not only create small baskets and fishing tools, but were also used in creating divine clothing for the Emperor’s. Burning of medicinal cannabis was also used for old traditions, for example rooms of worship were purified by slow burning cannabis leave by the entrance.Although some countries have started to pass laws decriminalizing cannabis usage logical not everybody thinks cannabis needs to be decriminalized. < /p>
Due to the extreme cultivating of cannabis logical and its widely uses in daily lives, Western companies found a market with deceased providing synthetic products to replace cannabis. Today, cannabis is a drug guarded and considered taboo among the Japanese culture.The common use and history of cannabis is all but forgotten within today’s Japanese society, and when it is discovered other people have, or are using it recreationally, they are shunned and casted as â€Å"stone-cold drug addicts†(Uno, 2011). Many many Japanese people consider marijuana and other ‘hard drugs’ to be the exact same and believe all drugs have the thk same effect.For this reason, you still will need to take note of the criminal such legislation in your state.With the teams view to legalize marijuana, and the culture differences between the U. S. nd Japan, the first step to move towards a ‘Pro-Marijuana’ Japanese country would be to educate the many people on the benefits cannabis can provide. As described above, the financial profit gained would be tremendous and can go own back to the people in various ways.Cannabis may be used for treatment to begin with.
Retrieved from http://www. ama-assn. rg/ african American Psychiatric Association, (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder (4th ed.Cannabis comprises a substance referred to.apa. org/topics/addiction/index. aspx Argument: Marijuana is not addictive. (n.Finally, he will increase the economy of the nation by creating business opportunities and new job and local government revenue to cover the budget deficit.
org/en/index. php/Argument:_Marijuana_is_not_addictive Bonnie, R. , & Whitbread, C. (n.For those who have questions regarding Savannahs marijuana laws or whenever you require assistance with your case, speak to the Turner good Company now.druglibrary. org/schaffer/Library/studies/vlr/vlr3. htm Castleman, Michael. Marijuanas Effects on Sex Vary with Individuals.Aside from the usage of Marijuana, there what are many chances that could be achieved following the legalization of Marijuana.
Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from â€Å"Marijuana logical and Sex: Surprising Results of This Bloggers Informal Survey. †Psychology Today (1 May 2011).Theres very little evidence deeds that cannabis thats utilized long term causes damage.Ellgren, Maria. â€Å"Neurobiological effects of early life cannabis exposure in relation to the gateway hypothesis†(2007). Retrieved from http://publications. ki.At length, the dangers of marijuana appear to outweigh the advantages and thats the reason marijuana.
gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/2006/ucm108643. htm Hays, J. (2009).Marijuana, Legal Highs and Illegal drugs in Japan.†Medical Marijuana. Ed. Noel Merino. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2011.Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 22 Mar. 2013.Retrieved March 24, 2013, from http://www. reuters. com/article/2011/09/08/usa-drugs-idUSN1E7870N520110908 Olson, D. (1998).
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