Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Construction Management for Bill of Quantities †
Question: Talk about the Construction Management for Bill of Quantities. Answer: Presentation The report depends on Bill of Quantities (BOQ) for another two story block working with concrete tiled rooftop comprises of two lofts. The area of the development of the structure is at 52 box street, East Hills. The sort of agreement is essentially founded on Australian General Conditions of Contract. BOQ comprises of offer procedure of whole venture included estimation of cost, offering, opening of delicate for the task just as grant of agreement (Cunningham 2016). Appropriate cost estimation assists with deciding possibility investigation of given task and office for obtainment strategy of the undertaking work. It assists with arranging the funds required for fruitful task culmination. From the point of view of the contractual workers, appropriate cost estimation assists with setting up an offer for work and encourage asset courses of action for assessment just as execution of the work. This specific report sums up the significance of distinguishing proof and valuing of cost huge starters so as to build odds of winning the delicate of the East Hills venture. It likewise examines the estimated fundamentals bill for the cost noteworthy starters things for the gave venture. From the offering survey, significances of the portrayal of BOQ and notwithstanding its belongings are featured all through the undertaking model. Undertaking fundamentals costs Significance of precisely recognizing and estimating cost-huge primers to amplify odds of winning a delicate Jayaraman and Jayaraman (2016) expressed that the business are chosen the contractual worker dependent on most minimal offer models. A most reduced offering cost is a key critical approach to win a delicate. Seymour (2017) examined that choice of most reduced offer isn't required to reflect genuine expense of the task work. Delicate evaluating is a significant part to get ready of BOQ. In the given undertaking, cost estimation is accomplished for experienced laborers, for example, sub-contractual worker those are particular into building development. The estimating cost huge primers are never really cost data dependent on communication with the providers (Cunningham 2015). Delicate cost is taking value data all through citation for the providers just as sub contractual workers. This specific venture is an administration venture which gives higher caliber and practices into sort of development they go for citations (Fichtner and Michel 2016). The achievement of temporary worker for ac quiring of agreement depends on nature of the citations got for the materials and things to subcontract. It is likewise required to have serious costs at an opportunity to set up the estimation of cost. Standard strategies are being set up to the obligations of the individual those are to do the offered capacities just as arrangements that rose (Abas 2017). The rundown of the things for which there is necessity of citations is being set up with extensive evaluation of the contracted reports. The contractual worker presents a delicate for the venture which sets out understanding of the association to embrace the structure development venture, their proposed approach and estimation of cost to attempt the undertaking (Larson and Gray 2013). So as to win an agreement, a legitimate delicate documentation is required for the task. Into the development condition, the contractual workers are offered low for the components like primers just as earthworks to win of the agreements. Notwithstanding, forecast of low offer is a troublesome undertaking for the given task. Into the venture, lower offer is granted the agreement, at that point it is recommended that forecasts of lower offer is appropriate for winning the delicate. Peng, Ding and Yu (2016) referenced that offering execution is dissected by structure estimators. The nature of exhortation offered to the customer is improved if the advisor can see the plan cost from the offering results. At that point, the contractual worker can ready to relate its capacity so as to win the agreements (Abas et al. 2017). The contractual workers are submitted lower costs for the task components so as to win agreements of the delicate. Task overhead estimation is required to improve the exactness of the delicate evaluating. Endeavors are given to improve the strategies to gauge the aberrant expense. The temporary worker increases a serious edge by altering the fundamentals, for example, venture overhead. Goh and Hall (2013) sent the undertaking situation and inferred that citations are gotten among the provider and subcontractor. Along these lines, appropriate undertaking valuing for the venture overheads are required to get accomplishment into the task offer (Wang and Wei 2014). Into the development business, primers are emotional just as the majority of the occasions it is hard to value the framework work. The principal segment of work is bill of amounts which comprise of the money related issues those are identified with the agreement (Azam, Sabrina and Mohyin 2016).The contractual worker has obligation to value the starters things into the delicate dependent on venture prerequisites. Anifowose et al. (2013) clarified that starters segment of the bill of amounts contains of two particular kinds of things. The things those are not explicit but rather have recognizable cost considered to delicate, for example, authoritative need for protections, site capacity for the business just as installment towards the nearby power (Kang et al. 2013). Things those are fixed just as related cost which gets from the temporary workers unsurprising strategy to draw out the task work. The works are related to bring of plant from the site and gave that of impermanent works (Jayaraman and Jayaraman 2016). The time related development is accommodated the primers things which permit the givers to cost the things exclusively. The giver has the capacity to extend the time related cost things to equip specific strategies for building development. The accomplishment of contractual worker for picking up of agreement depends on predominance of the citations built up for the materials notwiths tanding things to contract out (Brook 2016). Subsequently, valuing the primers things are essentially required to augment odds of winning the delicate for the task. Valued starters bill for the distinguished cost-noteworthy fundamentals things for the given task Primers Bill Thing Depiction Sum ($) Evaluating approach with defense 1 Foundation of the site 1.1 Site leeway for development of new two story block building 14,000 The region of the site comprises of 400m2 for an expense of $35 per m2, in this manner the site freedom cost is (400*35) = $14,000. 1.2 Framework, plant and types of gear, lifts just as cranes 20,000 The aggregate of room is 500m2 for cost of $40 per m2, in this way the expense is (500*40) = $ 20,000. 1.3 Testing of the dirt 20,000 The absolute zone for building the two stories is 400m2, where the expense for testing the dirt is $50; henceforth the expense is $20000. 1.4 Authority charges 840 Authority charges $30 for the task with working day of absolute 28 days. 2 Preparation 2.1 Filling to the nursery beds 740 The nursery bed is developed to 100 profound with zone of 37m2, the evaluated cost is $20; subsequently the all out expense is (37*20) = $740. The top soil blend of the nursery beds include three sections with imported topsoil and one section is fertilizer. 2.2 Natural compost 2590 The natural compost is being determined applied at pace of 3kg per 10m2, incorporates of development to profundity of 200 and positions to surface level with contiguous surfaces. The zone is 37m2 with cost of $70; thus the expense is (37*70) = $2590. 2.3 Planting and relationship of removal just as filling of the work 300 There is flexibly of 140 dia pots and plant into the beds are determined as ceria turbinate with complete number of 10, and cost of $30; subsequently the all out expense is (10*30) = $300. 2.4 Uncovering and beds for the ways 208 There is uncovering of the materials trade of 16m3 at decreased level not surpass 1.0m of all out profundity of strip footings. It expenses of $13 per m3, subsequently the all out expense is (16*13) = $208. 2.5 Unearthing for the electrical and seepage administrations 6800 4*25mm2 PVC links into channels (least 600m spread) just as it are brought into conductors. It incorporates for removal, support countenances of uncovering, inlaying, notice tape with removal of surplus ruin. The absolute zone is 34m with cost of $200; henceforth the expense is $6800. 2.6 Exhuming from downpour and permeating water by method of siphoning out 200 15 measurement pipe works into pursues in brickwork is 10m, with cost of $20; subsequently the expense is $200. 2.7 Upkeep appearances to side of exhuming not to surpass 1.0m complete profundity for the strip footings 2120 The zone of the exhuming for the strip footings is 53m3 with cost of $40 per m3; consequently the cost is $2120. 3 Windows and entryways 3.1 Aluminum confined window 3000 There are two anodised aluminum confined sliding window units comprehensive of production line coating, fixings, furniture just as trims. It suits of opening 1210 wide* 1029 high with incorporates of working into block hole divider. Every one of the windows is cost of $1500. Hence, the expenses of the windows are (2*1500) = $3000. 3.2 Metal door jambs 6000 There are six metal door jambs to suit 2040*820*35 thick single leaf entryways, complete with pair of steel butt hingers, hook continue, striking plate incorporates for the structure 110 thick block segment dividers. Every one of the windows is cost of $1000. In this manner, the expenses of the windows are (6*1000) = $6000. 3.3 Outer lumber entryways
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Girlfight - Overcoming Gender Stereotypes Essay -- Film Movies
Girlfight - Overcoming Gender Stereotypes It's a given that an individual's sex, racial and social causes impact their interest in sports. Specific races and sexual orientations frequently rule certain games. African Americans, for instance, will in general rule football and b-ball, while Caucasians will in general rule ice hockey. Similar remains constant for sexual orientation also. Football is an altogether male ruled game, while horseback riding, tumbling and figure skating are considerably more female arranged. How and for what reason did these divisions come to fruition? Deciding the inception of sexual orientation goes past the extent of this paper, anyway one can estimate about how sex orders and generalizations influence one's job in the games field. The film Young lady Fight worked superbly of portraying how one individual managed and conquered sexual orientation generalizations. The film portrays the battle of a secondary school young lady, Diana Guzman, to beat sexual orientation buriers and become a fighter. Her mom having kicked the bucket when she was youthful, she lives with her dad and more youthful sibling, Tiny. The dad powers the child to take boxing exercises since he feels that it is significant that Tiny ability to safeguard himself. Anyway Diana can't reveal to her dad that she needs cash to take boxing exercises. Her dad continually bothers her about carrying on progressively like a young lady i.e., wearing skirts and giving more thought to her appearance. He doesn't figure it at exceptionally significant that Diana should realize how to guard herself too, despite the fact that she clearly lives in a similar hazardous neighborhood as her sibling. Indeed, her dad has very customary generalizations of male and female. He accepts that the male ought to be the defenderâ€strong, ground-breaking, and prevailing... ... among the main individuals to break out of these jobs Diana leaves herself open to deride. This can be found in the stressed connections she has with her closest companion and others in her secondary school. In addition, since Diana resists the sexual orientation generalizations she makes some hard memories being acknowledged by the two young men and girlsâ€society doesn't have the foggiest idea how to treat her since she doesn't fit into any of its classifications. Diana is an incredible representation of the numerous battles of ladies to discover a spot for themselves in sports. On an individual level, resisting cultural generalizations is amazingly troublesome. The buriers that the main individual must defeat are regularly extraordinary. Anyway once the primary individual separates those buriers, it turns out to be progressively simpler for others to emulate their example. Diana's battle shows both how far ladies have come and how far ladies despite everything need to go.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Class of 2016 Ring Delivery!
Class of 2016 Ring Delivery! Last night, MIT sophomores dressed in black-tie attire flocked to the beautiful State Room in Boston to receive their glorious Brass Rats! Michael C. 16 explained in his post about Ring Premiere what the design of our ring looks like, but as of last night we now have our own beautiful rings to show to the world on our beautiful 2016 hands! LOOK AT MY PRETTY RING! It feels so good! I have many pictures from and of the event, mostly of my fellow Tetazoa and other East Campusers, but some with and of friends in my class that I was really excited to see! We had a great time, and afterwards a bunch of us went to Bovas Bakery to get Cannolis together! Here are some pictures of the event and of my beautiful friends! We even got to take a series of prom pictures! We also took more prom pictures once we got to the event! It definitely felt like prom the view from the State room was absolutely gorgeous! We got some really nice shots in front of the beautiful view. And here is Nico F. 16, one of the members of RingComm, the committee that plans ring delivery and designed our beautiful ring! AND THEN I FOUND HARRY B. 16!! Yay Harry! Hes so Canadian! Of course I needed a picture with Harry! Thanks to Will R. 16 for taking this picture! Here is Will: I also got a picture with Jake I. 16! We took a selfie. And Random Hall showed up to the event in full black-tie attire :) There was a beautiful ice sculpture in the shape of a ring! Sadly, the sculpture mysteriously disapeared a while into the event. THE VENUE WAS SO PRETTY AND CLASSY! THAT VIEW! And there were so many photographers! Eurah K. 16 and I took pictures with our fancy cameras. We also had a mini Intel STS 12 reunion! We couldnt find Adam K. 16, sadly, but we did have Ani P. 16, Jin P. 16, Jordan C. 16 and me! And I found some of my course 3 friends! Here are Isabel C. 16 and I with our new Brass Rats! Photo taken by Nick M. 16: And here are Nick and Isabel looking pretty! Tetazoo arrived at Ring Delivery initially with Beast, the second floor of the east parallel (we are the third floor, known as the third east traveling animal zoo). However, as the night progressed, we found ourselves additionally hanging out with Florey, the fifth floor. Usually we have a small rivalry with that floor, but last night we put our differences aside in order to potentially accomplish greater things. After ring delivery, a bunch of us went to Bovas to get cannolis! So overall, the event was a huge success! We had a bunch of fun dressing up, goofing off, and just hanging out together as a class. And finally, as always, I will end this post with pictures of cats! Today is Galileo and Thors third birthday!!! They got wet food as a birthday present from their wonderful owner, Kerry N. 14. Post Tagged #Brass Rat #Ring Delivery Class of 2016 Ring Delivery! Last night, MIT sophomores dressed in black-tie attire flocked to the beautiful State Room in Boston to receive their glorious Brass Rats! Michael C. 16 explained in his post about Ring Premiere what the design of our ring looks like, but as of last night we now have our own beautiful rings to show to the world on our beautiful 2016 hands! LOOK AT MY PRETTY RING! It feels so good! I have many pictures from and of the event, mostly of my fellow Tetazoa and other East Campusers, but some with and of friends in my class that I was really excited to see! We had a great time, and afterwards a bunch of us went to Bovas Bakery to get Cannolis together! Here are some pictures of the event and of my beautiful friends! We even got to take a series of prom pictures! We also took more prom pictures once we got to the event! It definitely felt like prom the view from the State room was absolutely gorgeous! We got some really nice shots in front of the beautiful view. And here is Nico F. 16, one of the members of RingComm, the committee that plans ring delivery and designed our beautiful ring! AND THEN I FOUND HARRY B. 16!! Yay Harry! Hes so Canadian! Of course I needed a picture with Harry! Thanks to Will R. 16 for taking this picture! Here is Will: I also got a picture with Jake I. 16! We took a selfie. And Random Hall showed up to the event in full black-tie attire :) There was a beautiful ice sculpture in the shape of a ring! Sadly, the sculpture mysteriously disapeared a while into the event. THE VENUE WAS SO PRETTY AND CLASSY! THAT VIEW! And there were so many photographers! Eurah K. 16 and I took pictures with our fancy cameras. We also had a mini Intel STS 12 reunion! We couldnt find Adam K. 16, sadly, but we did have Ani P. 16, Jin P. 16, Jordan C. 16 and me! And I found some of my course 3 friends! Here are Isabel C. 16 and I with our new Brass Rats! Photo taken by Nick M. 16: And here are Nick and Isabel looking pretty! Tetazoo arrived at Ring Delivery initially with Beast, the second floor of the east parallel (we are the third floor, known as the third east traveling animal zoo). However, as the night progressed, we found ourselves additionally hanging out with Florey, the fifth floor. Usually we have a small rivalry with that floor, but last night we put our differences aside in order to potentially accomplish greater things. After ring delivery, a bunch of us went to Bovas to get cannolis! So overall, the event was a huge success! We had a bunch of fun dressing up, goofing off, and just hanging out together as a class. And finally, as always, I will end this post with pictures of cats! Today is Galileo and Thors third birthday!!! They got wet food as a birthday present from their wonderful owner, Kerry N. 14. Post Tagged #Brass Rat #Ring Delivery Class of 2016 Ring Delivery! Last night, MIT sophomores dressed in black-tie attire flocked to the beautiful State Room in Boston to receive their glorious Brass Rats! Michael C. 16 explained in his post about Ring Premiere what the design of our ring looks like, but as of last night we now have our own beautiful rings to show to the world on our beautiful 2016 hands! LOOK AT MY PRETTY RING! It feels so good! I have many pictures from and of the event, mostly of my fellow Tetazoa and other East Campusers, but some with and of friends in my class that I was really excited to see! We had a great time, and afterwards a bunch of us went to Bovas Bakery to get Cannolis together! Here are some pictures of the event and of my beautiful friends! We even got to take a series of prom pictures! We also took more prom pictures once we got to the event! It definitely felt like prom the view from the State room was absolutely gorgeous! We got some really nice shots in front of the beautiful view. And here is Nico F. 16, one of the members of RingComm, the committee that plans ring delivery and designed our beautiful ring! AND THEN I FOUND HARRY B. 16!! Yay Harry! Hes so Canadian! Of course I needed a picture with Harry! Thanks to Will R. 16 for taking this picture! Here is Will: I also got a picture with Jake I. 16! We took a selfie. And Random Hall showed up to the event in full black-tie attire :) There was a beautiful ice sculpture in the shape of a ring! Sadly, the sculpture mysteriously disapeared a while into the event. THE VENUE WAS SO PRETTY AND CLASSY! THAT VIEW! And there were so many photographers! Eurah K. 16 and I took pictures with our fancy cameras. We also had a mini Intel STS 12 reunion! We couldnt find Adam K. 16, sadly, but we did have Ani P. 16, Jin P. 16, Jordan C. 16 and me! And I found some of my course 3 friends! Here are Isabel C. 16 and I with our new Brass Rats! Photo taken by Nick M. 16: And here are Nick and Isabel looking pretty! Tetazoo arrived at Ring Delivery initially with Beast, the second floor of the east parallel (we are the third floor, known as the third east traveling animal zoo). However, as the night progressed, we found ourselves additionally hanging out with Florey, the fifth floor. Usually we have a small rivalry with that floor, but last night we put our differences aside in order to potentially accomplish greater things. After ring delivery, a bunch of us went to Bovas to get cannolis! So overall, the event was a huge success! We had a bunch of fun dressing up, goofing off, and just hanging out together as a class. And finally, as always, I will end this post with pictures of cats! Today is Galileo and Thors third birthday!!! They got wet food as a birthday present from their wonderful owner, Kerry N. 14. Post Tagged #Brass Rat #Ring Delivery Class of 2016 Ring Delivery! Last night, MIT sophomores dressed in black-tie attire flocked to the beautiful State Room in Boston to receive their glorious Brass Rats! Michael C. 16 explained in his post about Ring Premiere what the design of our ring looks like, but as of last night we now have our own beautiful rings to show to the world on our beautiful 2016 hands! LOOK AT MY PRETTY RING! It feels so good! I have many pictures from and of the event, mostly of my fellow Tetazoa and other East Campusers, but some with and of friends in my class that I was really excited to see! We had a great time, and afterwards a bunch of us went to Bovas Bakery to get Cannolis together! Here are some pictures of the event and of my beautiful friends! We even got to take a series of prom pictures! We also took more prom pictures once we got to the event! It definitely felt like prom the view from the State room was absolutely gorgeous! We got some really nice shots in front of the beautiful view. And here is Nico F. 16, one of the members of RingComm, the committee that plans ring delivery and designed our beautiful ring! AND THEN I FOUND HARRY B. 16!! Yay Harry! Hes so Canadian! Of course I needed a picture with Harry! Thanks to Will R. 16 for taking this picture! Here is Will: I also got a picture with Jake I. 16! We took a selfie. And Random Hall showed up to the event in full black-tie attire :) There was a beautiful ice sculpture in the shape of a ring! Sadly, the sculpture mysteriously disapeared a while into the event. THE VENUE WAS SO PRETTY AND CLASSY! THAT VIEW! And there were so many photographers! Eurah K. 16 and I took pictures with our fancy cameras. We also had a mini Intel STS 12 reunion! We couldnt find Adam K. 16, sadly, but we did have Ani P. 16, Jin P. 16, Jordan C. 16 and me! And I found some of my course 3 friends! Here are Isabel C. 16 and I with our new Brass Rats! Photo taken by Nick M. 16: And here are Nick and Isabel looking pretty! Tetazoo arrived at Ring Delivery initially with Beast, the second floor of the east parallel (we are the third floor, known as the third east traveling animal zoo). However, as the night progressed, we found ourselves additionally hanging out with Florey, the fifth floor. Usually we have a small rivalry with that floor, but last night we put our differences aside in order to potentially accomplish greater things. After ring delivery, a bunch of us went to Bovas to get cannolis! So overall, the event was a huge success! We had a bunch of fun dressing up, goofing off, and just hanging out together as a class. And finally, as always, I will end this post with pictures of cats! Today is Galileo and Thors third birthday!!! They got wet food as a birthday present from their wonderful owner, Kerry N. 14. Post Tagged #Brass Rat #Ring Delivery Class of 2016 Ring Delivery! Last night, MIT sophomores dressed in black-tie attire flocked to the beautiful State Room in Boston to receive their glorious Brass Rats! Michael C. 16 explained in his post about Ring Premiere what the design of our ring looks like, but as of last night we now have our own beautiful rings to show to the world on our beautiful 2016 hands! LOOK AT MY PRETTY RING! It feels so good! I have many pictures from and of the event, mostly of my fellow Tetazoa and other East Campusers, but some with and of friends in my class that I was really excited to see! We had a great time, and afterwards a bunch of us went to Bovas Bakery to get Cannolis together! Here are some pictures of the event and of my beautiful friends! We even got to take a series of prom pictures! We also took more prom pictures once we got to the event! It definitely felt like prom the view from the State room was absolutely gorgeous! We got some really nice shots in front of the beautiful view. And here is Nico F. 16, one of the members of RingComm, the committee that plans ring delivery and designed our beautiful ring! AND THEN I FOUND HARRY B. 16!! Yay Harry! Hes so Canadian! Of course I needed a picture with Harry! Thanks to Will R. 16 for taking this picture! Here is Will: I also got a picture with Jake I. 16! We took a selfie. And Random Hall showed up to the event in full black-tie attire :) There was a beautiful ice sculpture in the shape of a ring! Sadly, the sculpture mysteriously disapeared a while into the event. THE VENUE WAS SO PRETTY AND CLASSY! THAT VIEW! And there were so many photographers! Eurah K. 16 and I took pictures with our fancy cameras. We also had a mini Intel STS 12 reunion! We couldnt find Adam K. 16, sadly, but we did have Ani P. 16, Jin P. 16, Jordan C. 16 and me! And I found some of my course 3 friends! Here are Isabel C. 16 and I with our new Brass Rats! Photo taken by Nick M. 16: And here are Nick and Isabel looking pretty! Tetazoo arrived at Ring Delivery initially with Beast, the second floor of the east parallel (we are the third floor, known as the third east traveling animal zoo). However, as the night progressed, we found ourselves additionally hanging out with Florey, the fifth floor. Usually we have a small rivalry with that floor, but last night we put our differences aside in order to potentially accomplish greater things. After ring delivery, a bunch of us went to Bovas to get cannolis! So overall, the event was a huge success! We had a bunch of fun dressing up, goofing off, and just hanging out together as a class. And finally, as always, I will end this post with pictures of cats! Today is Galileo and Thors third birthday!!! They got wet food as a birthday present from their wonderful owner, Kerry N. 14. Post Tagged #Brass Rat #Ring Delivery Class of 2016 Ring Delivery! Last night, MIT sophomores dressed in black-tie attire flocked to the beautiful State Room in Boston to receive their glorious Brass Rats! Michael C. 16 explained in his post about Ring Premiere what the design of our ring looks like, but as of last night we now have our own beautiful rings to show to the world on our beautiful 2016 hands! LOOK AT MY PRETTY RING! It feels so good! I have many pictures from and of the event, mostly of my fellow Tetazoa and other East Campusers, but some with and of friends in my class that I was really excited to see! We had a great time, and afterwards a bunch of us went to Bovas Bakery to get Cannolis together! Here are some pictures of the event and of my beautiful friends! We even got to take a series of prom pictures! We also took more prom pictures once we got to the event! It definitely felt like prom the view from the State room was absolutely gorgeous! We got some really nice shots in front of the beautiful view. And here is Nico F. 16, one of the members of RingComm, the committee that plans ring delivery and designed our beautiful ring! AND THEN I FOUND HARRY B. 16!! Yay Harry! Hes so Canadian! Of course I needed a picture with Harry! Thanks to Will R. 16 for taking this picture! Here is Will: I also got a picture with Jake I. 16! We took a selfie. And Random Hall showed up to the event in full black-tie attire :) There was a beautiful ice sculpture in the shape of a ring! Sadly, the sculpture mysteriously disapeared a while into the event. THE VENUE WAS SO PRETTY AND CLASSY! THAT VIEW! And there were so many photographers! Eurah K. 16 and I took pictures with our fancy cameras. We also had a mini Intel STS 12 reunion! We couldnt find Adam K. 16, sadly, but we did have Ani P. 16, Jin P. 16, Jordan C. 16 and me! And I found some of my course 3 friends! Here are Isabel C. 16 and I with our new Brass Rats! Photo taken by Nick M. 16: And here are Nick and Isabel looking pretty! Tetazoo arrived at Ring Delivery initially with Beast, the second floor of the east parallel (we are the third floor, known as the third east traveling animal zoo). However, as the night progressed, we found ourselves additionally hanging out with Florey, the fifth floor. Usually we have a small rivalry with that floor, but last night we put our differences aside in order to potentially accomplish greater things. After ring delivery, a bunch of us went to Bovas to get cannolis! So overall, the event was a huge success! We had a bunch of fun dressing up, goofing off, and just hanging out together as a class. And finally, as always, I will end this post with pictures of cats! Today is Galileo and Thors third birthday!!! They got wet food as a birthday present from their wonderful owner, Kerry N. 14. Post Tagged #Brass Rat #Ring Delivery
Class of 2016 Ring Delivery!
Class of 2016 Ring Delivery! Last night, MIT sophomores dressed in black-tie attire flocked to the beautiful State Room in Boston to receive their glorious Brass Rats! Michael C. 16 explained in his post about Ring Premiere what the design of our ring looks like, but as of last night we now have our own beautiful rings to show to the world on our beautiful 2016 hands! LOOK AT MY PRETTY RING! It feels so good! I have many pictures from and of the event, mostly of my fellow Tetazoa and other East Campusers, but some with and of friends in my class that I was really excited to see! We had a great time, and afterwards a bunch of us went to Bovas Bakery to get Cannolis together! Here are some pictures of the event and of my beautiful friends! We even got to take a series of prom pictures! We also took more prom pictures once we got to the event! It definitely felt like prom the view from the State room was absolutely gorgeous! We got some really nice shots in front of the beautiful view. And here is Nico F. 16, one of the members of RingComm, the committee that plans ring delivery and designed our beautiful ring! AND THEN I FOUND HARRY B. 16!! Yay Harry! Hes so Canadian! Of course I needed a picture with Harry! Thanks to Will R. 16 for taking this picture! Here is Will: I also got a picture with Jake I. 16! We took a selfie. And Random Hall showed up to the event in full black-tie attire :) There was a beautiful ice sculpture in the shape of a ring! Sadly, the sculpture mysteriously disapeared a while into the event. THE VENUE WAS SO PRETTY AND CLASSY! THAT VIEW! And there were so many photographers! Eurah K. 16 and I took pictures with our fancy cameras. We also had a mini Intel STS 12 reunion! We couldnt find Adam K. 16, sadly, but we did have Ani P. 16, Jin P. 16, Jordan C. 16 and me! And I found some of my course 3 friends! Here are Isabel C. 16 and I with our new Brass Rats! Photo taken by Nick M. 16: And here are Nick and Isabel looking pretty! Tetazoo arrived at Ring Delivery initially with Beast, the second floor of the east parallel (we are the third floor, known as the third east traveling animal zoo). However, as the night progressed, we found ourselves additionally hanging out with Florey, the fifth floor. Usually we have a small rivalry with that floor, but last night we put our differences aside in order to potentially accomplish greater things. After ring delivery, a bunch of us went to Bovas to get cannolis! So overall, the event was a huge success! We had a bunch of fun dressing up, goofing off, and just hanging out together as a class. And finally, as always, I will end this post with pictures of cats! Today is Galileo and Thors third birthday!!! They got wet food as a birthday present from their wonderful owner, Kerry N. 14. Post Tagged #Brass Rat #Ring Delivery Class of 2016 Ring Delivery! Last night, MIT sophomores dressed in black-tie attire flocked to the beautiful State Room in Boston to receive their glorious Brass Rats! Michael C. 16 explained in his post about Ring Premiere what the design of our ring looks like, but as of last night we now have our own beautiful rings to show to the world on our beautiful 2016 hands! LOOK AT MY PRETTY RING! It feels so good! I have many pictures from and of the event, mostly of my fellow Tetazoa and other East Campusers, but some with and of friends in my class that I was really excited to see! We had a great time, and afterwards a bunch of us went to Bovas Bakery to get Cannolis together! Here are some pictures of the event and of my beautiful friends! We even got to take a series of prom pictures! We also took more prom pictures once we got to the event! It definitely felt like prom the view from the State room was absolutely gorgeous! We got some really nice shots in front of the beautiful view. And here is Nico F. 16, one of the members of RingComm, the committee that plans ring delivery and designed our beautiful ring! AND THEN I FOUND HARRY B. 16!! Yay Harry! Hes so Canadian! Of course I needed a picture with Harry! Thanks to Will R. 16 for taking this picture! Here is Will: I also got a picture with Jake I. 16! We took a selfie. And Random Hall showed up to the event in full black-tie attire :) There was a beautiful ice sculpture in the shape of a ring! Sadly, the sculpture mysteriously disapeared a while into the event. THE VENUE WAS SO PRETTY AND CLASSY! THAT VIEW! And there were so many photographers! Eurah K. 16 and I took pictures with our fancy cameras. We also had a mini Intel STS 12 reunion! We couldnt find Adam K. 16, sadly, but we did have Ani P. 16, Jin P. 16, Jordan C. 16 and me! And I found some of my course 3 friends! Here are Isabel C. 16 and I with our new Brass Rats! Photo taken by Nick M. 16: And here are Nick and Isabel looking pretty! Tetazoo arrived at Ring Delivery initially with Beast, the second floor of the east parallel (we are the third floor, known as the third east traveling animal zoo). However, as the night progressed, we found ourselves additionally hanging out with Florey, the fifth floor. Usually we have a small rivalry with that floor, but last night we put our differences aside in order to potentially accomplish greater things. After ring delivery, a bunch of us went to Bovas to get cannolis! So overall, the event was a huge success! We had a bunch of fun dressing up, goofing off, and just hanging out together as a class. And finally, as always, I will end this post with pictures of cats! Today is Galileo and Thors third birthday!!! They got wet food as a birthday present from their wonderful owner, Kerry N. 14. Post Tagged #Brass Rat #Ring Delivery Class of 2016 Ring Delivery! Last night, MIT sophomores dressed in black-tie attire flocked to the beautiful State Room in Boston to receive their glorious Brass Rats! Michael C. 16 explained in his post about Ring Premiere what the design of our ring looks like, but as of last night we now have our own beautiful rings to show to the world on our beautiful 2016 hands! LOOK AT MY PRETTY RING! It feels so good! I have many pictures from and of the event, mostly of my fellow Tetazoa and other East Campusers, but some with and of friends in my class that I was really excited to see! We had a great time, and afterwards a bunch of us went to Bovas Bakery to get Cannolis together! Here are some pictures of the event and of my beautiful friends! We even got to take a series of prom pictures! We also took more prom pictures once we got to the event! It definitely felt like prom the view from the State room was absolutely gorgeous! We got some really nice shots in front of the beautiful view. And here is Nico F. 16, one of the members of RingComm, the committee that plans ring delivery and designed our beautiful ring! AND THEN I FOUND HARRY B. 16!! Yay Harry! Hes so Canadian! Of course I needed a picture with Harry! Thanks to Will R. 16 for taking this picture! Here is Will: I also got a picture with Jake I. 16! We took a selfie. And Random Hall showed up to the event in full black-tie attire :) There was a beautiful ice sculpture in the shape of a ring! Sadly, the sculpture mysteriously disapeared a while into the event. THE VENUE WAS SO PRETTY AND CLASSY! THAT VIEW! And there were so many photographers! Eurah K. 16 and I took pictures with our fancy cameras. We also had a mini Intel STS 12 reunion! We couldnt find Adam K. 16, sadly, but we did have Ani P. 16, Jin P. 16, Jordan C. 16 and me! And I found some of my course 3 friends! Here are Isabel C. 16 and I with our new Brass Rats! Photo taken by Nick M. 16: And here are Nick and Isabel looking pretty! Tetazoo arrived at Ring Delivery initially with Beast, the second floor of the east parallel (we are the third floor, known as the third east traveling animal zoo). However, as the night progressed, we found ourselves additionally hanging out with Florey, the fifth floor. Usually we have a small rivalry with that floor, but last night we put our differences aside in order to potentially accomplish greater things. After ring delivery, a bunch of us went to Bovas to get cannolis! So overall, the event was a huge success! We had a bunch of fun dressing up, goofing off, and just hanging out together as a class. And finally, as always, I will end this post with pictures of cats! Today is Galileo and Thors third birthday!!! They got wet food as a birthday present from their wonderful owner, Kerry N. 14. Post Tagged #Brass Rat #Ring Delivery Class of 2016 Ring Delivery! Last night, MIT sophomores dressed in black-tie attire flocked to the beautiful State Room in Boston to receive their glorious Brass Rats! Michael C. 16 explained in his post about Ring Premiere what the design of our ring looks like, but as of last night we now have our own beautiful rings to show to the world on our beautiful 2016 hands! LOOK AT MY PRETTY RING! It feels so good! I have many pictures from and of the event, mostly of my fellow Tetazoa and other East Campusers, but some with and of friends in my class that I was really excited to see! We had a great time, and afterwards a bunch of us went to Bovas Bakery to get Cannolis together! Here are some pictures of the event and of my beautiful friends! We even got to take a series of prom pictures! We also took more prom pictures once we got to the event! It definitely felt like prom the view from the State room was absolutely gorgeous! We got some really nice shots in front of the beautiful view. And here is Nico F. 16, one of the members of RingComm, the committee that plans ring delivery and designed our beautiful ring! AND THEN I FOUND HARRY B. 16!! Yay Harry! Hes so Canadian! Of course I needed a picture with Harry! Thanks to Will R. 16 for taking this picture! Here is Will: I also got a picture with Jake I. 16! We took a selfie. And Random Hall showed up to the event in full black-tie attire :) There was a beautiful ice sculpture in the shape of a ring! Sadly, the sculpture mysteriously disapeared a while into the event. THE VENUE WAS SO PRETTY AND CLASSY! THAT VIEW! And there were so many photographers! Eurah K. 16 and I took pictures with our fancy cameras. We also had a mini Intel STS 12 reunion! We couldnt find Adam K. 16, sadly, but we did have Ani P. 16, Jin P. 16, Jordan C. 16 and me! And I found some of my course 3 friends! Here are Isabel C. 16 and I with our new Brass Rats! Photo taken by Nick M. 16: And here are Nick and Isabel looking pretty! Tetazoo arrived at Ring Delivery initially with Beast, the second floor of the east parallel (we are the third floor, known as the third east traveling animal zoo). However, as the night progressed, we found ourselves additionally hanging out with Florey, the fifth floor. Usually we have a small rivalry with that floor, but last night we put our differences aside in order to potentially accomplish greater things. After ring delivery, a bunch of us went to Bovas to get cannolis! So overall, the event was a huge success! We had a bunch of fun dressing up, goofing off, and just hanging out together as a class. And finally, as always, I will end this post with pictures of cats! Today is Galileo and Thors third birthday!!! They got wet food as a birthday present from their wonderful owner, Kerry N. 14. Post Tagged #Brass Rat #Ring Delivery Class of 2016 Ring Delivery! Last night, MIT sophomores dressed in black-tie attire flocked to the beautiful State Room in Boston to receive their glorious Brass Rats! Michael C. 16 explained in his post about Ring Premiere what the design of our ring looks like, but as of last night we now have our own beautiful rings to show to the world on our beautiful 2016 hands! LOOK AT MY PRETTY RING! It feels so good! I have many pictures from and of the event, mostly of my fellow Tetazoa and other East Campusers, but some with and of friends in my class that I was really excited to see! We had a great time, and afterwards a bunch of us went to Bovas Bakery to get Cannolis together! Here are some pictures of the event and of my beautiful friends! We even got to take a series of prom pictures! We also took more prom pictures once we got to the event! It definitely felt like prom the view from the State room was absolutely gorgeous! We got some really nice shots in front of the beautiful view. And here is Nico F. 16, one of the members of RingComm, the committee that plans ring delivery and designed our beautiful ring! AND THEN I FOUND HARRY B. 16!! Yay Harry! Hes so Canadian! Of course I needed a picture with Harry! Thanks to Will R. 16 for taking this picture! Here is Will: I also got a picture with Jake I. 16! We took a selfie. And Random Hall showed up to the event in full black-tie attire :) There was a beautiful ice sculpture in the shape of a ring! Sadly, the sculpture mysteriously disapeared a while into the event. THE VENUE WAS SO PRETTY AND CLASSY! THAT VIEW! And there were so many photographers! Eurah K. 16 and I took pictures with our fancy cameras. We also had a mini Intel STS 12 reunion! We couldnt find Adam K. 16, sadly, but we did have Ani P. 16, Jin P. 16, Jordan C. 16 and me! And I found some of my course 3 friends! Here are Isabel C. 16 and I with our new Brass Rats! Photo taken by Nick M. 16: And here are Nick and Isabel looking pretty! Tetazoo arrived at Ring Delivery initially with Beast, the second floor of the east parallel (we are the third floor, known as the third east traveling animal zoo). However, as the night progressed, we found ourselves additionally hanging out with Florey, the fifth floor. Usually we have a small rivalry with that floor, but last night we put our differences aside in order to potentially accomplish greater things. After ring delivery, a bunch of us went to Bovas to get cannolis! So overall, the event was a huge success! We had a bunch of fun dressing up, goofing off, and just hanging out together as a class. And finally, as always, I will end this post with pictures of cats! Today is Galileo and Thors third birthday!!! They got wet food as a birthday present from their wonderful owner, Kerry N. 14. Post Tagged #Brass Rat #Ring Delivery Class of 2016 Ring Delivery! Last night, MIT sophomores dressed in black-tie attire flocked to the beautiful State Room in Boston to receive their glorious Brass Rats! Michael C. 16 explained in his post about Ring Premiere what the design of our ring looks like, but as of last night we now have our own beautiful rings to show to the world on our beautiful 2016 hands! LOOK AT MY PRETTY RING! It feels so good! I have many pictures from and of the event, mostly of my fellow Tetazoa and other East Campusers, but some with and of friends in my class that I was really excited to see! We had a great time, and afterwards a bunch of us went to Bovas Bakery to get Cannolis together! Here are some pictures of the event and of my beautiful friends! We even got to take a series of prom pictures! We also took more prom pictures once we got to the event! It definitely felt like prom the view from the State room was absolutely gorgeous! We got some really nice shots in front of the beautiful view. And here is Nico F. 16, one of the members of RingComm, the committee that plans ring delivery and designed our beautiful ring! AND THEN I FOUND HARRY B. 16!! Yay Harry! Hes so Canadian! Of course I needed a picture with Harry! Thanks to Will R. 16 for taking this picture! Here is Will: I also got a picture with Jake I. 16! We took a selfie. And Random Hall showed up to the event in full black-tie attire :) There was a beautiful ice sculpture in the shape of a ring! Sadly, the sculpture mysteriously disapeared a while into the event. THE VENUE WAS SO PRETTY AND CLASSY! THAT VIEW! And there were so many photographers! Eurah K. 16 and I took pictures with our fancy cameras. We also had a mini Intel STS 12 reunion! We couldnt find Adam K. 16, sadly, but we did have Ani P. 16, Jin P. 16, Jordan C. 16 and me! And I found some of my course 3 friends! Here are Isabel C. 16 and I with our new Brass Rats! Photo taken by Nick M. 16: And here are Nick and Isabel looking pretty! Tetazoo arrived at Ring Delivery initially with Beast, the second floor of the east parallel (we are the third floor, known as the third east traveling animal zoo). However, as the night progressed, we found ourselves additionally hanging out with Florey, the fifth floor. Usually we have a small rivalry with that floor, but last night we put our differences aside in order to potentially accomplish greater things. After ring delivery, a bunch of us went to Bovas to get cannolis! So overall, the event was a huge success! We had a bunch of fun dressing up, goofing off, and just hanging out together as a class. And finally, as always, I will end this post with pictures of cats! Today is Galileo and Thors third birthday!!! They got wet food as a birthday present from their wonderful owner, Kerry N. 14. Post Tagged #Brass Rat #Ring Delivery
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