Sunday, May 24, 2020
Title Ix And Its Impact On American Sports - 2369 Words
Title IX consists of just thirty-seven words, and it is these words that have transformed the dynamics within the female athletic sphere in the United States. Although the federal law was initially envisioned to assist women in academia, it is currently renowned for its profound impact on American sports (Ware). It is an irrefutable fact that Title IX has vastly increased women’s participation in sports: the law has reportedly increased female participation rates within colleges six-fold from 1972â€â€the year it was passedâ€â€to today (Cooky). Opportunities for women in sports have never been greater. However, despite the progress made by Title IX, it faces deep challenges in its quest to achieve true equality. Women’s participation rates in sports still lag far behind men, and one cannot ignore this disturbing reality (â€Å"National Coalition†). Thus, the question as to whether or not Title IX has achieved gender equity is highly debatable. This paper i ntends to understand the shortcomings of Title IX’s goal in attaining true equality through analysis of its limitations. Specifically, this essay will explore women’s history in sports prior to Title IX, the importance of sports for females, an overview of Title IX’s statute, and an analysis of the law’s various issues. To narrow the scope of my essay, I will focus mainly on intercollegiate sports. Historical Attitudes Pre-Title IX Prior to the passing of Title IX in 1972, women were generally not appreciated in the world ofShow MoreRelatedTaking a Look at Title IX1864 Words  | 7 Pagescompetitor and have a passion for sports. This is a feeling that many females felt before Title IX; was explicated to give female’s gender equality in sports. Title IX has positively affected women’s sports over the years, but can negatively impact men’s teams, especially within the collegiate field. Title IX has changed budgeting and participation numbers between males and females, while opening up several opportunities for women. I am going to inform you how Title IX affects females and males in collegiateRead MoreTitle IX’s Lasting Effects1369 Words  | 6 PagesIt is also important to examine the impacts of Title IX on racial diversity as well, not only gender diversity. In 1972, it was reported that 30% of white girls and women were playing sports which increased to 40% after the passage o f Title IX (Picket et. all, 2012). Participation levels among black women have actually decreased from 35% in 1972 to only 27% in 2002 (Picket et. all, 2012). This leads to the conclusion that in 1972 Black women played more sports then their White counterparts, and sinceRead More Title IX and Impacts on Womens Education Essay examples1160 Words  | 5 PagesTitle IX and the impacts on women and their education HISTORY: Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 is the landmark legislation that bans sex discrimination in schools, whether it is in academics or athletics. Title IX states: No person in the U.S. shall, on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal aid. Athletics has created the most controversy regardingRead MoreTitle Ix : An Important Part Of The American Culture811 Words  | 4 PagesTitle IX Sports have an important part in the American culture. Today’s ratio of girls in high school who take part in sports is 1 in 3. In 1970, the ratio was only 1 in 27. Now some of the greatest rising sport stars are women. Americans didn’t believe girls and women could play sports such as basketball, rugby, soccer, and many more. Basically girls and women were underestimated due to the fact America thought they couldn’t play a sport that a boy or man could play. The Educational AmendmentsRead MoreTitle IX on Sexual and Race Discrimination1366 Words  | 6 Pages Research paper Title IX What if you were told that there may be a law created intended to remove discrimination between the sexes in education and sports, or that in the matter of athletics and job occupations both men and women are given equal opportunities? Would you then agree or disagree with the ideology that both sexes are still treated different even though this law was created and the opportunities that were promised aren’t precisely indistinguishable? Title IX is not an accurate protectionRead MoreCritique of Title IX1136 Words  | 5 Pagessexes in sports and education, or that man and woman are both given equal opportunities as far as an athletic or educational career? Would you then agree or disagree with the ideology that both sexes are still treated different even though this law was created and the opportunities that were promised aren’t precisely indistinguishable? Title IX does not accurately protect sexual discrimination; it doesnt give equal opportunities, and is unjust as far as benefits between male and female sports. AlthoughRead MoreTitle IX Thesis973 Words  | 4 PagesWhile Title IX is often thought of â€Å"the women’s sports bill†, the history and progression of Title IX suggests a far more complex history. In fact, as Amanda Ross Edwards suggests, Title IX’s shift was reaction to public conflict about the bill that was spurred after the bill’s creation. The conflicts surrounding the development of Title IX suggests that debates about who should be included in educational spaces and who should be excluded from those spaces did not cease upon the Brown vs. Board ofRead MoreConflicting Arguments Over Title IX Legislation925 Words  | 4 Pagesgymnastics programs (Gottesdiener, 2011). Organizations like this are being diminished and discarded at an ever-increasing rate all across America. College and high school students competing in these athletic events are truly passionate about their chosen sport. In many cases, promising athletes are offered scholarships, initiating a symbiotic relationship between the student and the school they play for. In 1972, a new legislation was put forward with the intent of leveling the school-sponsored playing fieldRead MoreTitle IX: Nix the Nine1354 Words  | 5 PagesTitle IX is a controversial law that has raised many conflicts with colleges and other federal funded establishments. Title IX has had a long controversial history throughout America and has been the focal point of many court cases. Among these court cases women have believed that this law has only affected women’s athletics in a positive way and has not affected men’s athletics in a negative way at all. Although Title IX has affected women’s athletics in a positive way it has, at the same time,Read MoreEqual Pay Act And Title Ix1485 Words  | 6 PagesIt is the year 2016, the United States has had its first African American president, gay marriage is legalized, a nd women and men are supposedly seen as equals in the workplace and educational institutions. It is important to note that while steps to equality have been made through the Equal Pay Act and Title IX, gender discrimination is still prevalent in society. The NCAA reported since 1988, in the 2007-2008 academic year, institutions yielded a net gain of 2, 342 women’s teams added to varsity
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Link Between Biology And Psychology - 998 Words
The discussions on the permissibility or impermissibility of abortion move around justice, including the rights to life and body autonomy, and morality based on the characteristics that define human beings. A variety of scholars propose that one becomes a person at the moment of conception or viability, or at birth. Philosopher Don Marquis questions the link between biology and psychology to morality in defining human beings (186). Marquis references Feinberg, who states that humanity is based on the capacity for consciousness, sense of self identity, in keeping interests and a having a future (187). Morality is what gives meaning to each physical or mental characteristic (Marquis 187). Marquis explains that people cannot base their arguments on solely one category, as they are interconnected (188). Similarly, Jane Maienschein explains that biology and society both help define when life is spiritually meaningful (9-10). Maienschein contends that moral worth grows with each stage of development; therefore it is wrong to treat a fetus as the equal of a human being (11). However, Marquis believes that fetuses do have significant moral value based on the capacity to undergo a life or have c oncerns. Philosopher Judith Thomson contends that the fetus is not a human being at the moment of conception, but rather become a person in late stages of development when it acquire human characteristics (48). Walter Glannon explains that the right to life argument is based on the definitionShow MoreRelatedBiological Psychology966 Words  | 4 PagesAssignment: Biological Psychology Paper †¢ Resources: Assigned readings, Electronic Reserve Readings, the Internet, and/or other sources †¢ Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you analyze biological psychology. Be sure to address the following items in your analysis: o Define biological psychology and examine its historical development. o Identify three influential theorists associated with biological psychology. o Describe the relationship between biological psychologyRead MoreBiological Psychology839 Words  | 4 PagesBiological Psychology Melissa Thompson University of Phoenix Biological Psychology When most hear the words biological/psychology, many tend to have trouble rapping their mind around it. Psychology is the study of behavior, so how does biology fit into this equation? Well we have to assume that our brain has influence or somehow effects are behavior. In order to prove or disprove this theory, we have to research the biology and psychology of both the brain and our behavior. So how doRead MoreBehavioral Psychology And Human Behavior771 Words  | 4 PagesBehavioral neuroscience or biological psychology employs the principles of brain pathology to the study of human behavior through genetic, physiological, and developmental operations, as well as, the brain’s capacity to change with experience. Since the second world war, crime was largely attributed to mostly economic, political, and social factors, along with what psychologists termed at the time, the â€Å"weak character†of mental disturbance, and brain biology was rarely considered. Howeve r, new advancesRead MoreAnatomy Of Violence : The Biological Roots Of Crime908 Words  | 4 PagesBehavioral neuroscience or biological psychology employs the principles of brain pathology to the study of human behavior through genetic, physiological, and developmental operations, as well as, the brain’s capacity to change with experience. Since the second world war, crime was largely attributed to mostly economic, political, and social factors, along with what psychologists termed at the time, the â€Å"weak character†of mental disturbance, and brain biology was rarely considered. However, new advancesRead MoreDispositional Essay example1154 Words  | 5 PagesEvolutionary Psychology University of Phoenix Dispositional, Biological, and Evolutionary Psychology Personality theory has come a long way since its beginning in psychology. Many theorists have based their work on theorists before them, but made changes that indicate that the characteristics of the individual affects the ideas behind their work (Feist, Feist, amp; Roberts, 2013). Comparing dispositional, biological, and evolutionary theories indicates the similarities and differences between the theories;Read MoreExplain How Neurons Transmit Information Our Knowledge of the Nuerons Helps Us to Understand Human Behaviour1109 Words  | 5 Pagesunderstand human behaviour.’ Discuss. The relationship between biology and psychology is a ‘give-and-take’, shared relationship where one can be used to explain and provide insight into the other, as both are related to the physical body and the mind. For that reason biology holds a much significant and important role in the study of psychology. One of the main areas of psychological studies is the mind therefore this essay aims to explain the biology of how neurons transmit information, this essay alsoRead MoreMy Development As A Psychologist1408 Words  | 6 Pagesthe later part of his career to research in smoking – funded by the tobacco industry. He had a lasting interest in Russian psychology particularly Pavlov and the neo-Pavlovians. A considerable amount of his work is devoted to drawing parallels between Eastern and Western conceptualisations of personality, learning and arousal which culminated in an influential book â€Å"The Biology of Human Conduct: East-West Models of Temperament and Personality†. As well as these three areas he published on a broadRead MoreInterrogating Culture And Psychology1424 Words  | 6 PagesInterrogating Culture and Biology in the Understanding the theory of Person Overview Within the purview of the understanding of the theory of the person, relativism holds sway. Several things are at play in forming an individual’s response to external stimuli. An individual’s understanding of his culture often informs these responses. Whereas individual’s understanding of culture(s) is limited, that is the point where relativism comes in. where a knowledge stops is where another start, hence opinionsRead More Beauty, Biology, and Society Essay1544 Words  | 7 PagesBeauty, Biology, and Society What is beauty? How do human beings decide who is attractive and who is not? Society is full of messages telling us what is beautiful, but what are those definitions based on? Do we consciously decide whom we are attracted to, or is biology somehow involved? The issue of beauty and how we define it has been studied for centuries. Scholars from all fields of study have searched for the formula for beauty. Darwin in his book The Descent of Man wrote, It is certainlyRead MorePsychology of Attraction1620 Words  | 7 Pagesattracted to certain people more than others? The science of Psychology explains how people become attracted to one another. Certainly some aspects of beauty are cultural; fashion and trends change over time. Also, society and the media influence us into thinking what traits are attractive. Some reasons for attraction have to do with familiarity and proximity. Biology also plays a role in determining what traits we will possess. Biology and Psychology work hand and hand to help us pick our mates. The media
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Research On Stem Cell Research - 1731 Words
Matt Anderson, Dalecia Borum, Lauren Kataja, Gabrielle Walker Lab Section 57 Wilfredo Evangelista November 18, 2014 Prohibit Stem Cell Research Many individuals believe that the beginning of stem cell research began in the early 2000s. However, the history of stem cell research can be traced back to the mid 1800s, when the make-up of human life, known as cells, were discovered (Solter 2006). Without this discovery, stem cell research would cease to exist. Prior to what has become known as stem cell research, scientists began studying embryonic stem cells using mouse embryos in 1981, which makes stem cell research a fairly new topic of interest. It is through this research on mice that has given scientists the ability to collect stem cells†¦show more content†¦This differentiation should take place in vitro, in vivo in tumors derived from injected ES cells and in chimaeras. Most stringently, an ES cell should be able to give rise to germ cells in chimaeras and these germ cells should in turn be able to develop into normal, fertile adults†(Solter 2006). Growing human cells in a laboratory may sound fascinating to scientists, however, to the average human being, it can often sound inhumane. The stem cells that these scientists use come from a variety of places, including embryos formed through in vitro fertilization and somatic cell nuclear transfer, aborted fetuses, umbilical cord blood cells, adult tissues, and reprogrammed adult tissue cells. These collected stem cells come in one of two forms: an adult stem cell or an embryonic stem cell. Just as the name suggests, adult stem cells are those that have been extracted from an adult organism. The primary roles of adult stem cells in a living organism are to maintain and repair the tissue in which they are located. These cells tend to be specialized in reproducing the tissues from which they have been taken and are found among differentiated cells in an organ. Embryonic cells, on the other hand, are derived from embryos. Most of these embryos are fertilized in a test tube, and some people consider this to be unnatural and
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Service Marketing Consumers
Question: Discuss about the Service Marketingfor Consumers. Answer: Marketing of services is very different from marketing of the products. Marketing services required to provide the real experience of the service to the people. This is because in product marketing the consumers can see the products but in services they need to be reliable on the brand that is providing them the service which in intangible. This report discusses about the importance of QR code marketing in marketing of services. This provides the idea of the impact and variations of the QR code marketing. Consumers need to follow the series of steps in order to make a purchase of any service or product. The sequential steps are known as consumer decision making process. This process starts with identification of the need of consumer and continues with gathering the information about the service or product (Belz and Peattie, 2009). After that consumers try to look for the alternatives available for them. then, selection of the most suitable service or product is made and further the after service experience is being far as the QR facility is concerned, it has been analyzed that consumers use this facility at the time of searching or gathering the information about the services or the products offered. Another stage at which QR code can be used it at the time of evaluating the alternatives available to look for the ingredients of the products or the offerings in the services. QR codes can be used for many purposes by the companies. As far as the product company is considered, it can be used as the tool of information. In service industry such as restaurants, QR codes can be sued as the marketing tool. Development of mobile phones technology and use or QR codes makes it possible to use QR code as the marketing tool. The businesses like restaurants can place their QR codes on the stickers of the restaurants, leaflets, posters or inside the door. This code can be used for making the people aware about the additional information about the company or the services at the restaurants (Mudie and Cottam, 2010). The information related to the upcoming events, new product releases, offers and images of the events conducted can be shared through the use of QR codes. It makes it easier for the customers also to know at the restaurants offering without seeing their leaflets, posters or visiting the restaurant. It is a great marketing practice that can be practiced by m any of the restaurants. In service marketing, the companies have to target the needs of the customers thus QR code can be customized according to the needs of the customers and also to help the companies to get the data of the customers or can know about the interests. Service marketing communicate is very different from products. The concept of service marketing communication suggests that segmentation of the target market should be properly done (Lovelock, 2011). In case of using QR code as the marketing tool, it is mandatory to segment the market and the place where the target audience can approach the QR code placed. Usage of QR codes as the marketing tool has many advantages. This is because it has the capability to pass many layers of distribution between the producer of the service and the need of consumer of the service. Below are some of the advantages of using QR codes as marketing tool: Reduces the number of mediators: If QR codes have been used for marketing of the service company such as restaurants, it helps in reducing the number of mediators between the producer or the service provider and the end consumer, this is because the restaurant owner can directly place the QR code at different medium from where the end consumers can directly scan the codes from their mobiles and take the information about the services offered at the restaurants (Wilson, Zeithaml, Bitner and Gremler, 2012). Cost effective: For service industry such as restaurants, using the QR code is very cost effective, this is because the company need not to send huge amount of money in printing the posters, leaflets and other marketing props. Placing the QR code at the favorable medium I enough to reach thee customers. It also enhances the brand image of the company as it signifies that the company is updated with the new technology. To acquire the database of the customers: Without spending much on surveys and other articles, the service providers like restaurants can access the data of the target customers and can also get the idea of their choices (Jobber and Ellis-Chadwick, 2012). It helps the service providers like restaurants to acquire the data of their customers whoever has scanned the QR code placed by the restaurants. Accordingly, the restaurants can target the customers with their choices. There are several perceived risks of the consumers related to the products in the service industry. Some of the risks are physical risks, financial risks, social risks, time risks, functional risks etc. QR code many affect thee perceived risks of the consumers. Use of QR code of by the consumer for the products or the service offered by the company can reduces the functional risks associated with the service. This is because functional risk is associated with the function or the offerings of type service and if the customers is already ware of the functional then he or she may not have the this type of risks at the time of taking that service (Malhotra, 2008). The same can be linked with the social risks of the consumers. Social risks can be defined as the risks that are associated with the image of the person in the society. The services and person takes is somehow related to his image in the society (Grnroos, 2007). The QR information can provide the idea of the brand image of the company and the people can easily identify whether they can take the services of that brand or not. There are many interactive content forms that can be used by the companies or the service sector companies to inform the customers or to improve the after service customers satisfaction (Doyle, 2009). The interactive content information allow the customers to get the knowledge about the products or the service the company is offering and helps them to get an idea about the firms image and quality. Some of the interactive content forms are discussed below: Interactive info-graphics: Interactive info-graphic helps the people to know about the products if the services offered with the visual effect (Lieb, R., 2011). It helps in attracting the customers and to portray an image of the service that helps to be in the memory of the customers. Suppose, if any of the restaurant post the image of the dish on the poster or the leaflets along with its name then it would create greater impact on the customers rather than the advertisement only with the name of the dish. In the world of content marketing, videos are still on top. Videos are the best source to engage the customers with the service (Gunelius, 2011). Making interactive videos allow the customers to take part in the video by engaging themselves or relating them with the video. Making a video is just not an easy task because it is difficult to out the relevant content according to the target audience. If any restaurant wants to generate an advertising video, the image of the dish can be inserted, which on by clicking should link to the ingredients of the dish. This technique can help the customers to know about the dish with better experience. Conclusion: The above questions conclude that there are many innovative methods of marketing are available for the companies. IN service industry like restaurants, the QTR code marketing is the new and challenging method to market the service. it help to be as a marketing tool in order to inform, persuade and attract the customers to have a proper knowledge and experience of the services they are going to avail in the company. References: Belz, F.M. and Peattie, K., 2009.Sustainability marketing: A global perspective. Chichester: Wiley. Doyle, P., 2009.Value-based marketing: marketing strategies for corporate growth and shareholder value. John Wiley Sons. Grnroos, C., 2007.Service management and marketing: customer management in service competition. John Wiley Sons. Gunelius, S., 2011.Content Marketing for Dummies. John Wiley Sons. Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F., 2012.Principles and practice of marketing(No. 7th). McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Lieb, R., 2011.Content marketing: Think like a publisher-How to use content to market online and in social media. Que Publishing. Lovelock, C., 2011.Services Marketing, 7/e. Pearson Education India. Malhotra, N.K., 2008.Marketing research: An applied orientation, 5/e. Pearson Education India. Mudie, P. and Cottam, A., 2010.Management and marketing of services. Routledge. Wilson, A., Zeithaml, V.A., Bitner, M.J. and Gremler, D.D., 2012.Services marketing: Integrating customer focus across the firm. McGraw Hill.
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